1. Character of true. Lu 2:37; 1Ti 5:5,10.
2. God
a. Surely hears the cry of. Ex 22:23.
b. Judges for. De 10:18; Ps 68:5.
c. Relieves. Ps 146:9.
d. Establishes the border of. Pr 15:25.
e. Will witness against oppressors of. Mal 3:5.
3. Exhorted to trust in God. Jer 49:11.
4. Should not be
a. Afflicted. Ex 22:22.
b. Oppressed. Jer 7:6; Zec 7:10.
c. Treated with violence. Jer 22:3.
d. Deprived of raiment in pledge. De 24:17.
5. Should be
a. Pleaded for. Isa 1:17.
b. Honoured, if widows indeed. 1Ti 5:3.
c. Relieved by their friends. 1Ti 5:4,16.
d. Relieved by the Church. Ac 6:1; 1Ti 5:9.
e. Visited in affliction. Jas 1:27.
f. Allowed to share in our blessings. De 14:29; 16:11,14; 24:19-21.
6. Though poor, may be liberal. Mr 12:42,43.
7. When young, exposed to may temptations. 1Ti 5:11-14.
8. Saints
a. Relieve. Ac 9:39.
b. Cause joy to. Job 29:13.
c. Disappoint not. Job 31:16.
9. The wicked
a. Do no good to. Job 24:21.
b. Send, away empty. Job 22:9.
c. Take pledges from. Job 24:3.
d. Reject the cause of. Isa 1:23.
e. Vex. Eze 22:7.
f. Make a prey of. Isa 10:2; Mt 23:14.
g. Slay. Ps 94:6.
10. Curse for perverting judgment of. De 27:19.
11. Woe to those who oppress. Isa 10:1,2.
12. Blessings on those who relieve. De 14:29.
13. A type of Zion in affliction. La 5:3.
14. Were released from all obligation to former husbands. Ro 7:3.
15. Were clothed in mourning after the decease of husbands. Ge 38:14,19; 2Sa 14:2,5.
16. Reproach connected with. Isa 54:4.
17. Increase of, threatened as a punishment. Ex 22:24; Jer 15:8; 18:21.
18. Laws respecting
a. Not to be oppressed. Ex 22:22; De 27:19.
b. Raiment of, not to be taken in pledge by creditors. De 24:17.
c. Bound to perform their vows. Nu 30:9.
d. Not to intermarry with priests. Le 21:14.
e. To be allowed to glean in fields and vineyards. De 24:19.
f. To have a share of the triennial tithe. De 14:28,29; 26:12,13.
g. To share in public rejoicings. De 16:11,14.
h. When daughters of priests and childless to partake of the holy things. Le 22:13.
i. When left childless, to be married by their husband’s nearest of kin. De 25:5,6; Ru 3:10-13; 4:4,5; Mt 22:24-26.
19. Allowed to marry again. Ro 7:3.
20. Intermarrying with, of kings considered treason. 1Ki 2:21-24.
21. Not to be deplored by, considered a great calamity. Job 27:15; Ps 78:64.
22. Were under the special protection of God. De 10:18; Ps 68:5.
23. Were frequently oppressed and persecuted. Job 24:3; Eze 22:7.
24. Specially taken care of by the Church. Ac 6:1; 1Ti 5:9.
25. Often devoted themselves entirely to God’s service. Lu 2:37; 1Ti 5:10.
26. Instances of great liberality in. 1Ki 17:9-15; Mr 12:42,43.
27. Illustrative of
a. A desolate condition. Isa 47:8,9.
b. Zion in captivity. La 1:1.