Title: Do not hide yourself from God!
Sunday day sermon
Text: Galatians 6:6-10
Title: Don't deceive yourself before God!
There are people who God likes and people who hate it. The person God likes the most is the person who honestly admits himself before the Lord (Son), and the person he hates the most is the person who hides himself from the Lord (Son). Those who acknowledge themselves before the Lord and come out confess that they are sinners, and those who hide themselves from the Lord are people who misunderstand themselves as righteous.
At the time of Jesus, the Pharisees and the scribes and the lawyers mistaken themselves for the righteous, and they did not believe in the Son God had sent, and they went to destruction. However, on the contrary, prostitutes and tax collectors, who regarded themselves as sinners who broke the law, believed in Jesus and entered the kingdom of heaven. Looking at them, we can see that no one can achieve salvation through the law, no matter how hard they work under the law.
So, what is the Christian life like today? Even Christians today are people who live their faith under the law. Starting with the Sunday worship service, the Wednesday worship service, Friday all-night services, tithes, thanksgiving offerings, building offerings, sacramental services, etc., all the actions that are being carried out in the church today are in fact implemented according to the law of the Holy Spirit. If the Gentiles who did not know God did not believe in Jesus and did not receive the Holy Spirit, these actions would never have occurred.
Because the law is not for the perfect, but for the lawless, to say that a believer is under the law means that he is still lawless. But ironically, the fact that an illegal person obeyed some laws is what makes them “righteous”. They say that no one can keep the law, but just because you obeyed some laws, you become a righteous person. This absurd thing happened in the days of Jesus, and is being reproduced in the same way today.
The Pharisees at the time of Jesus were such people. They believed that their sins were blotted out and they became “righteous” because they went to the temple, slaughtered cattle and slaughtered sheep and sacrificed their blood. However, since it was said that the blood of bulls could not take away human sins, they were unaware of the fact that God's command to go to the temple in Jerusalem and sacrifice cattle and sheep was a type of Christ.
This fact can be easily found even in the Christian life of today. Christians, too, are still sinners living under the law of the Holy Spirit. The reason that all Christians are sinners is that there is no single Christian who has received the Holy Spirit and can fully follow the Holy Spirit. However, Christians mistakenly believe that they are saved by buying things according to the laws of the Holy Spirit (Sunday holy water, tithing, thanksgiving, etc.).
Everything that Christians today are doing when they go to the chapel is actually nothing more than a model of Christ who will come before Christians. A model means to practice in advance before the reality arrives. Therefore, the act of present Christians going to the chapel to worship will only be completed when Christ comes in the future. To explain by giving an example, they give wine and bread at the sacrament meeting, and they say that it is the blood and flesh of Jesus.
Since the model is not an entity, it must continue to repeat the action every week. That is why Jews also went to the temple every week to slaughter cattle and sheep and offer sacrifices to God. Even today, every church celebrates the Lord's Supper because it's Easter and distributes wine and bread to the saints, but Christians are well aware that it does not completely blot out the sins of Christians.
Nevertheless, there are those who live under this pattern and say, “I am saved.” Could be a truly unfortunate person. Just as the people of Israel must believe in Jesus and enter into complete salvation only when Jesus comes as the type of Isaac to the people of Israel who lived under the law. will become
If all the actions of Christians in the chapel so far have been mere models, it is a fact that we must believe in the Son who will come as a reality to enter into full salvation. Until now, if Christians went to a chapel to eat and drink bread and wine as a model of Christ, if they believe in the Son God has sent in the future, such an act will no longer work. The Apostle Paul says, “When the perfect comes, the partial will be destroyed.”
God knows better than anyone that today's Christians are not perfect. So, as a type of Jacob, you are sending your son before the Christians. However, if you hide it and mistake yourself for a righteous person or a person who has been saved, you are really foolish. Rather than becoming a Pharisee who considered himself righteous, it would be much more blessed to regard himself as a prostitute and a publican and to believe in the Son sent by God and enter into eternal life.
Those who have been perfected by believing in the Son sent by God no longer remain under the pattern. Under the model and law, if you go to the chapel every day and do not perform all acts, including worship, even for a single day, you must do it without exception because of sin. will live with This is what it means to live under grace. Those who live under grace do not live on their own, but because Christ leads them, that place becomes heaven. -He who has ears, let him hear and understand...