Title: Do not judge / Romans 2:1
Do not judge the content/Romans 2:1
“Therefore, you have no excuse, anyone who judges others, in judging others, in which you condemn yourself, for you who judge do the same thing” (Romans 2:1).
Word: To judge others is to condemn oneself (Romans 2:1 3). No one judges. People who make judgments are people who are superior to others. They are also people who work hard in their religious life. The apostle Paul spoke as the text to the Jews who liked to judge the sins of the Gentiles with great passion and devotion of faith. Although we are living a life of faith by the grace of God, the truth is that we are all completely corrupt and fallen sinners.
Thousands of Jews tried to kill the woman caught in adultery by lifting stones and condemning her. Then Jesus said, “Whoever is without sin, let him stone her.” Then everyone, from the young to the old, laid down the stones and left. There is no one who is not a sinner.
You should not judge others because God judges them. The phrase “God will reward each one according to what he has done” (Romans 2:6) means that only God judges, and He alone judges. It is very important that you reward each person for what they have done. The Jews are not to be mistaken.
Even Gentiles can enjoy the blessing of salvation if they repent and practice righteousness. Even if the people of Israel do not repent, they will inevitably perish. There is a special order in which God gives judgment (Romans 2:9-10). First, judgment will come to the Jews. The reason is that the Jews first knew God and had the Law. Nevertheless, it means that the judgment is greater than that of those who have sinned unaware because they have sinned.
The Greeks do not yet have a law and do not know God. There is a reason for telling them the time of judgment late. To those who sin ignorantly, God wants to give them temporal and spatial opportunities to repent and believe in Jesus.
A person's judgment is imperfect because of his outward appearance (Romans 2:11). The good deeds of an outward person can be ridiculous. Please keep in mind that you shouldn't judge just by looks.