Title: Don't Die and Be Strong
Don't be discouraged, be strong
(Zep 3:14-20)
The title of today's sermon is to not be discouraged, but to be strong. A person must have power to act, and that power is called ki. Today, this age is the age of death. The students were crushed by the pressure on the entrance exam. The young people were stunned by the difficulty of finding a job as small as the eye of a needle. Office workers were exhausted and exhausted in the constant competitive structure. The people were stunned by the political gambling of helpless leaders. Even believers are dying in the midst of various difficulties in life. Now we need to bring the dead qi back to life. How can we revive the qi that is lost in us and stand up strong? Today's text tells us the secret. Verse 16 says, “In that day no man shall come to Jerusalem, fear not. Zion, do not let your hands hang down.” “Do not let your hands hang down” means “Be strong”, “Be strong” and “Do not be discouraged”. Why should we not be discouraged?
1. Since we have been forgiven from our sins, we must not be discouraged and must be strong / Verse 15.
Verse 15 says, “The Lord has taken away your punishment.” The reason Israel was punished was because of their sins. But he wants you to forgive this sin. So, don't be discouraged and be strong. The reason we should not be discouraged and have strength is that all our sins are forgiven in Christ. God is omnipotent who saves us. The same God who is the same yesterday, today, and forever, can save me now as he saved me in the past, and will always save me. So, don't be discouraged, and give yourself strength.
2. Since God is with us, we must be strong and not discouraged/v. 17a.
Verse 17 says, “The Lord your God is among you.” When you believe that God is with you, you have amazing power. Just as children have power when they have parents, so too do our saints when God is with them. So, don't be discouraged, and be strong.
3. Because God loves us, we must not be discouraged and must be strong/v. 17b.
Verse 17b says, “The God who is among us, the Savior, does not rejoice over us, but loves us silently, and rejoices over us with singing and rejoicing.” God's love can't overcome his joy enough to kill his only begotten Son and save us, so he loves us quietly. So when they see us, they love us so much that they look at us with loving eyes. The love of parents in this world may not be possible because of the heart but not the ability, and sometimes they give up and abandon their children, but the God who saved us loves us and loves us to the end. So please don't get discouraged and be strong.
4. Since you have guaranteed a reversed life, you must not be discouraged and must exert your strength/verse 20.
Verse 20 says, “I will bring you at that time, and I will gather you at that time, and when I restore your captivity from your sight, I will give you fame and praise among all the peoples of the world, saith the Lord.” He was saying that the people of Israel would be restored. Our Christian life can be turned upside down. Because God exists. God is the master of reversal. Even if you are in a desperate situation right now, if you get down on your knees in prayer, God will work and make your life reversed. So, don't be discouraged, and be strong.
Organize your words. Don't be discouraged, please give me strength. Because the Lord is. God solves the problem of our sins, is with us, grants salvation, loves us, and makes our life reverse.