Title: Eat and Rejoice Before God... 2/22
2004. 2. 22 (11 o'clock)
“Eat and rejoice before God…”
(Deuteronomy 12: 15-19)
There is a thing called priority. It refers to what is more important and what is less important. But, more important than that, you <act> according to those priorities./ A person who has done the most important thing first in their life will be able to say that they did their best in their life./ We usually, You cannot do two things at the same time. Whether you sleep at home or worship, it's one of the two. Perhaps that person has regrets for not doing the most important thing. / If someone said that he had only done the fifth most important thing in his life, we would never say that he was wise.
Those of you who came this morning / to worship the Lord / have chosen the most important thing in life. /
To all of us who have chosen this most important thing to praise God /
I pray in the name of the Lord that God also grants us abundantly the most important grace and blessings.
What is the title of today's sermon? “Eat and rejoice before God…”
Do you remember last week's title? You can refer to the bulletin.
“Together we shall rejoice before God…”
Do you remember last week's title? Of course, I am well aware that I am making too many demands. “He will rejoice in the place where he will put his name.”
- Can you find anything in common? Now, why don't you do all the sudden quizzes? Yes... <Have fun> This keeps coming out. But for three weeks in a row, the theme is the same right now, right? what? <Worship> Then, at least in the text of the Old Testament and Deuteronomy, what is the biggest characteristic of worship that God tells us? Yes! <Fun>!
No, what is worship, are we offering to have fun? is that so? It's about worshiping God and giving Him our <love and awe>. But, what is the biggest characteristic of worship that we enjoy? Is that okay?
Of course, worship is not what we want to do. It is right to give as God has ordained it.
-- By the way, what are the contents that God has ordained?
Offer it in a solemn manner - huh?
Or is it absolutely forbidden to laugh or be frivolous with each other?
- What did you say? There are two main things.
1) Don't do it in a way that serves foreign god
2) And now rejoice before God as in the text.
(It means to worship voluntarily and with a grateful heart.)
-So it seems that the biggest characteristic of worship is joy.
-What do we need to know?
Worship is joyful because of God.
Praise is fun, Word is fun, sharing is fun...
- But, God
"Hey! Have fun with me! do you understand Will it be fun, will it not be fun... Yeah!
You can't be like this. Who would enjoy being so intimidating?
- So what do you say?
It's specific to the things we like.
It's like grandparents giving their grandchildren's favorite candy,
As if you are satisfied with seeing the person you like... isn't it?
<Spirit and Truth> is that This is what the Holy Spirit teaches us. What? The grace we have received from God so far... So, make us feel grateful. Without the Holy Spirit, we cannot have that kind of heart on our own. When we accept and acknowledge the things that the Holy Spirit enlightens us with “Amen”, that is what makes us worship with sincerity.
That is the most important part of today's text.
Worship = joy.
But that doesn't mean I'm just enjoying myself the way I like it!
How do you enjoy it? <Before God> <Together> and <Eat>
In today's text, there are four characteristics.
1) Thoroughly separate what you eat at home and what you eat before God!
2) Eat whatever you want!
3) Don't eat alone, eat together!
4) Do not eat blood!
(Surprisingly...) I'm not doing this all from now
Today, I am going to focus only on <Eat>. So let's take a brief look at verse 15.
So, don't eat blood / and bring it to God and eat at home / Don't eat alone, eat together - If these conditions are met, you should eat whatever you want to eat.
In verse 15, 1) “according to the blessing the LORD your God has given you”
- What do you do? <Eat it>
2) It says, “As you like it”, but it was expressed very well. Here's how to explain it in more detail: “According to all the desires of human instinct”
3) “Above the clean and the unclean” - any kind of meat... like a roe deer and like a deer...
--- But where do you eat this? <at home>
Aren't Israelis famous for being picky about their food?
Yes, that is correct. But why does the text say to eat it all like this?
(We will talk about eating again in the future), but focus is important.
Where is the focus of the text? “Eat and have fun.”
It is saying that eating and having fun in the presence of God through worship/ is not everything./ The Bible does not always speak of a double life.
If we enjoy eating together in front of God, the blessing of eating happily at home is connected.
Think about it. It's only fun during worship, and life is all about dying! Who would believe in Jesus? not separately.
We should pay a lot of attention to how enjoyable worship can be. Because that is God's will.
If there is one most important way to make worship enjoyable, it is to focus on God. That's why I teach you a lot of these rules. You have to look to <God> through these rules.
Worship is the best way to express God's love.
Worship is the best time to meet God and experience God.
If you gain strength through worship, I believe that power will be greatly manifested throughout your life.
We rejoice and worship the God who created the whole world.
Glory be to God!
Prayer: Lord! May the joy of worship that exalts you abound.
And let me live in heaven with the power of worship in my life.
Help me to decide to walk with you and live in heaven.