Title: Ebenezer/ (1 Samuel 7:5-17)
“Samuel took a stone and set it between Mizpah and Shen, and said, The Lord has helped us up to this point. And he called it Ebenezer” (1 Samuel 7:12).
The title of today's sermon, 'Ebenezer', means 'the Lord has helped us up to this point'. Today is especially the 54th anniversary of Korea's liberation from the 36 years of oppression, sorrow, and colonialism under Japanese rule. There are members of us who are struggling with business, family, children, and personal problems, and then come out of the pain and enjoy joy and happiness. It was when I went to America. As we landed at Chicago airport, ice froze on the runway and the plane slipped off the runway. There were shouts of shouts from passengers and scolding. Applause poured in when they were miraculously and miraculously landed safely. It was liberation from fear, applause of thanks, applause of relief, applause of encouragement for the crew's hard work, and applause of joy to be able to meet family and friends again.
If you read today's text, you can hear the applause of the people of Israel. The Philistines were a native of Canaan, living on the Mediterranean coast. When the Israelites entered Canaan, the Philistines felt threatened and immediately challenged them. But in reality, the Philistines and Israel were not compared to each other. The Philistines were inferior soldiers, and Israel was a weak and disgraceful people. The war between the Philistines and Israel was like a war that had already been won and lost mentally. During a boxing match, it is said that victory or defeat is almost decided when both fighters follow the referee's signal and greet each other. The most triumphant player is the one who looks into the eyes of the opponent until the very end. People who are confident in everything they do have a higher chance of success.
When we stand proud before God, we become bold. Otherwise, you can't go outside on a rainy day. Because I'm afraid of being struck by lightning. When we do not live according to the will of the Lord, we become weak. Conversely, if you live according to the will of the Lord, you will become proud and courageous. Before the war, Samuel launches a campaign of repentance among the people. It made me repent of worshiping idols, forgetting God and being proud, not praying, and not living right before God. And he made him completely depend on God. 2 Chronicles 20:20 says, "Trust in the LORD your God, and you will be established; trust in the prophet, and you will prosper." When we repent of our mistakes and stand upright before God, we gain courage again. Let's look again at what Samuel did when he was in a crisis in the face of external enemies.
First, there was a repentance movement. Repentance is turning away from God and returning to God. Those who have turned away from God seek the face of God. Those who forsaken God's will and lived according to God's will are living according to God's will. Those who did not pray to God begin to pray to God. It means living a God-centered life from a self-centered life. It does not end with confessing one's faults. It is a return to the state before the crime. In the Old Testament, when the Israelites sinned, they were always defeated. However, when they return to God, they have victory. There is a reason why we are not blessed. The same goes for national problems, family problems, and business problems. Today, it is important that Israel repented before God, rather than checking their weapons or soldiers in a crisis facing the enemy's invasion. The first and most important thing we need to do in the face of a crisis is to improve our relationship with God. Today, if we are struggling with family problems, children's problems, business problems, there are things to think about first. It is an improvement in your relationship with God.
Second, they asked God for salvation. When the people saw the Philistines invading, they asked Samuel. “Cry without ceasing to the LORD our God for us, that he may deliver us from the hand of the Philistines” (verse 8). The people of Israel asked for prayer through a prophet. Of course, God hears everyone's prayers. But you hear the prayers of your servants first. If you don't have that privilege, how can you handle this ministry? Although there are many smart and capable people in the world, God takes care of His servants first. Because he entrusted them with the work of God. So, the people of Israel urgently and earnestly asked the prophet Samuel for God's salvation.
Among the crises we face, there are crises that need to be overcome with human strength and effort. On the other hand, there are crises that we cannot get through on our own. Natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods, and droughts are beyond our control. Israel faced the crisis of war, knew that war belonged to God, and immediately asked God for salvation. In this way, when we trust and trust in God, God will surely open up a new way for us. Even though humans pretend to be strong, in reality they are extremely fragile beings. Even if you catch a cold, you will be lying down. We cannot even save ourselves by our own strength. Our salvation comes only through Jesus Christ, who shed His blood for me.
Before the third war, burnt offerings were offered. A burnt offering is a sacrifice to God by imputing all my sins to an animal, slaughtering the animal, cutting it into pieces, and burning it with fire. It's a total sacrifice, and I mean sacrificing myself. We should eat well and prepare well before the battle, but instead of fasting and checking our weapons, we offered burnt offerings to God. I am going to die before God. At that time, God performed a miracle to save Israel. “As Samuel was offering the burnt offering, the Philistines came near to fight against Israel, and on that day the Lord sent a great thunder to the Philistines, and they confused them, and they were defeated before Israel” (verse 10), Hallelujah!
Jesus also said, "Unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit" (John 12:24b). Christianity is a religion of sacrifice. When you sacrifice yourself, you bear much fruit. Christian history is the history of Acts. And it is the whole history of sacrifice. Through the sacrifice of Stephen the deacon, Jerusalem was evangelized, and through the sacrifices of Peter and Paul, the gospel went all over the world. Today, the church will be revived through the hard work and sacrifice of our men and women evangelism group. When a grain of wheat rots, it produces many fruits. A sense of ownership of 'our church' is required, and my sacrifice and service are required. It is possible because we have confidence in God, faith and confidence in heaven and hell.
Fourth, finally, a monument to 'Ebenezer' was erected (verse 12). We must find the Ebenezer in our individual, family, and church somewhere. I must remember the day when God saved me and blessed me, and I was so grateful. Jacob left his brother Esau and went to Haran, where he slept. In a dream, I saw an angel going up and down a ladder. Jacob got up and made a vow to God. “If God will be with me and watch over me on this journey I am going, and give me bread to eat and clothes to wear so that I may return to my father’s house in peace, then the LORD will be my God, and this stone that I have set up as a pillar will be God’s house.” Genesis 29: 20 - 21). When Jacob returned after 20 years, he forgot this vow and passed by. As a result, her daughter Dinah is reviled by strangers, and her family is shamed and tested. We must not forget the God who helped us up to this point. I hope that you will always keep the grace of God in your life and live with humility and gratitude.
I will conclude We can face crises in life. There are times when we face a national crisis. At that time, the first thing we should think about is restoration of our relationship with God. And it is asking God for salvation. At the same time, I must sacrifice myself and first give myself to God. Lastly, it is to keep the grace of God's help well and live with gratitude always. I bless you in the name of the Lord that we will all become saints who receive blessings from God by remembering Ebenezer of individuals, families, businesses, and even nations and nations.