Title: Emmaus' Resurrection Experience
After three days of being crucified, Jesus rose from the dead and appeared to his disciples. They had seen the risen Lord Himself, and even after hearing the testimonies of women who had witnessed them, they doubted the resurrection of Jesus. In fact, when Jesus died, the disciples went their separate ways. In the text, the two disciples of Emmaus are also on their way to their hometown with a face full of sorrow (17) because they do not believe in the resurrection of Jesus and are disappointed. At one time, he said he would give up everything and live only for Jesus, but now it has been in vain. There was no hope for Jerusalem any longer, but there was also the intention of avoiding the commotion that was soon to come. However, the resurrected Jesus appeared to the two disciples on the way and confirmed his resurrection.
1. This is the conversation between the two disciples on their way to Emmaus (13-24).
Jesus asks two disciples. “What are the stories you exchange on the road?” Among them, a disciple named Clobara answers. “Are you living in Jerusalem alone and not aware of what has happened in recent days? What's going on? It is about Jesus of Nazareth.
He was a prophet mighty in word and deed before God and all the people (19-21)
The two disciples mourned the death of Jesus, but understood it as the death of a prophet who merely wanted to be the Messiah. And after hearing the news of the resurrection of Jesus through the testimony of some of the disciples with the women, they did not believe it at all like the other disciples (22-24). is not realizing However, Jesus did not turn away and came to participate in the disciples' conversation and assures us of the resurrection. Come to us this Easter morning to worship and talk about Jesus. Are there people who still do not understand the true truth about Jesus and do not believe in the resurrection? I hope you will meet the Lord who has come to this place and be sure of the resurrection.
2. It is the awakening of the risen Jesus (25-32)
3. Convinced of the Lord of Resurrection, the two disciples immediately returned to Jerusalem and confessed the Lord of Resurrection to the eleven and those who were with him (33-35).