Title: Entering Jerusalem and continuing argument
Introduction Jesus enters the Triumphal Entry according to the prophecy of Zechariah 9:9, along with several announcements of the Passion. Although he enters humbly on a donkey, it is a practical entry that clearly proclaims the Messiah to all nations. Nevertheless, the argument with the lawyer, the Pharisees, and the Sadducees continues.
Chapter 21 The entry into Jerusalem and the sanctification of the temple.
Jesus, who expects to be spiritually awake rather than political, economic, and intellectual superiority, continues to speak parables, and begins his active ministry by calling for enlightenment and cleansing the temple.
[1-11] Entering Jerusalem
On the first day of the Holy Week, 'Hosanna to the Son of David! caution
He who comes in the name, enters with the hymn of Hosanna in the highest
When they saw Jesus doing this, the whole world was moved.
[12-17] Cleaned the temple.
As the second day of Holy Week, it is a spiritual awakening
Teach others to value you more.
[18-22]The Fruitless Fig Tree
Of the unfruitful fig tree, 'You will no longer bear fruit.
The fig tree withered by the curse. It requires the essence of belief
Jesus rebukes Judaism, which requires only outward ceremonies.
[23-32]The question of John's baptism and the parable of the two sons.
The high priests and elders of the people question Jesus' authority. Therefore
In the parable of the two sons, He teaches those who do the will of the Father (God),
The meaning of the kingdom of heaven is not in words and authority, but in practical life practices.
Planting beauty with the kingdom of God.
[33-46]The Parable of the Evil Farmer
The owner of the house planted a vineyard, rented it, and went to a foreign country,
and his servants to receive the fruit. Then the wicked peasants beat their servants.
He killed him and stoned him, and later sent his son, but he is the heir.
kicked out of the circle and killed. The master returns and proclaims the kingdom of God to you
White will be taken away, and the people of the kingdom will receive it. Because of this
The chief priests and Pharisees knew Jesus as a prophet.
CHAPTER 22 Arguments with the Jewish rulers
No salvation is achieved by anything other than faith in the confession of Jesus Christ as the Son of the living God.
[1-14] The king who gave the wedding feast.
A certain king hosts a wedding feast and invites guests. So he went to his field, to commerce
I don't even look back with an excuse to go by car. Also, catch the servants who ask
insult and kill. The king, who was in a hurry, requested anyone, so the guests
It was full, but it was dark outside because I was not wearing a robe.
Tossed to the ground - there weeping and grinding teeth.
Many will be called, but few will be chosen.
[15-22] Arguments about taxes.
Distinguish between God's and Caesar's in answering questions about tax payment
By answering this question, they demanded a religious and political equilibrium.
[23-33] The Sadducees' question that there is no resurrection.
In the resurrection, God is not the God of the dead, but the God of the living.
[34-40] The greatest commandment.
1. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind
Lang Hara.
2.Love your neighbor as yourself.
These two commandments are the whole law and the prophets (40).
[41-46] Christ's question about Christ.
By emphasizing the law, the Pharisees recognized Jesus as a descendant of David.
Regarding claiming only the holy city, Jesus said, 'David asked Christ to
If so, how can you be his descendants?' (45). A word on this
No one answered him, and no one dared to ask him from that day on (46).
Conclusion As the Lord is the Christ and the Son of the living God, when our confession of the divinity and humanity of Jesus is clear, we become a sure belief in the resurrection and the kingdom of heaven.
A person who has this kind of faith is a complete believer who practices the commandment of inner love rather than the requirements of the external law.