Title: Establishing the Family of Grace
1. The principle of awe
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge. The incident of Abraham offering Isaac as a burnt offering teaches his children that they should fear the Lord even before offering themselves. Children who fear God and acknowledge his authority will obey their parents and acknowledge the authority of their teachers.
2. Principle of engraving
When parents' lives become an image, it is natural education. Parents must show a life that will be engraved in the hearts of their children. Please show the parents who always watch the TV, not just the newspapers, but the words and prayers.
3. Principles of Conversation
It is important to have a habit of making eye contact with your children. It is treating your children “with the eyes of Jesus” (John 1:42). And dialogue should be a two-way communication, not a one-way communication. Just as God incarnated and came to this earth to talk to us.
4. Principle of Ignition (Principle of Positive)
One of the most important principles of a child's education is to see his or her compliance. Parents should be able to see their children's strengths. Give praise and positive words frequently so that your children can know that they are noble beings created in God's image.
5. Principles of Gifts
God is fair. Don't be discouraged if your child is lacking in any area. A wise parent is one who discovers and encourages the possibilities that are given to their children. The Bible is not about smart people. Remember, these are stories of people who generously gave their gifts for God.
6. Principles of Planning
Education is a planned change in human behavior. The most important thing in education is intentionality and planning. Home education needs to be planned as well. Active participation of parents is essential for children's education, such as setting goals for each stage of education and participating in various educational activities.
7. The principle of prayer
Do not forget that the most important and most powerful influence in the education of children at home is to pray for them. It was Hannah's mother's prayer that raised Samuel, the leader who led the nation of Israel. Do not give up on your children's education because of poor family circumstances, but seek the power of prayer to transcend circumstances.
I am at a time when it is easy to choose the world's education method rather than God's education method at a time when countless educational theories are hard on parents in our alumni's home. I hope that the content of this book will be of great help to you as to what we should choose now to become a family of grace where we can truly enjoy the blessings of a thousand generations.
However, these seven commandments can be found in the five aspects of life already permeated in their lives. This is what the true family of grace looks like.
1. Anointing: The family that worships is the family of God's grace.
2. Image: A family in which parents stand in the image of God is the family of God's grace.
3. Communication: A family that shares opinions and respects each other is the family of God's grace.
4. Vision: A family that builds God's dreams is the family of God's grace.
5. Mission: A family that spreads the gospel abundantly is the family of God's grace.