Title: Experience the power of blessing on January 14th!
Sunday, January 14, 2007 Sermon
Believe in the power of blessing!
The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face to you and give you peace.” (Numbers 6:24-26)
Blessing God
Who is God? God loves to bless.
God is the source of all blessings. God is a powerful source of blessings. We are channels that direct that blessing into the lives of others. God's blessings show God's goodness. Genesis 1:27 says, “God bless them” (Genesis 1:27-28). It is God's blessing that our lives become according to God's intentions.
God blessed them! You said. In Genesis 1:22, on the fifth day, God made great fish, living creatures that thrive in water, and birds according to their kinds. And when he blessed him, he said, "Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the waters of the seas, and let the birds multiply on the earth." And on the sixth day, he finally created man. After creating man, He said, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”
God has blessed us. God has also granted blessings that allow us to rule those things that He has blessed.
“This is what he blessed for the children of Israel, saying,” It is the words of Numbers chapter 6. Jesus made us a kingdom and priests by setting us free from sin by His blood. It is up to us to make the most of the priest's privilege of blessing others.
We are made to be blessed and to enjoy. It is made to live a blessed life and to live a blessed life. Naturally, God wants our lives to be filled with blessings and the world to be a community overflowing with blessings. God the Creator has chosen to bless. God's blessing makes us deeply experience God's grace, goodness, and God's forbearance. There is nothing more wonderful than receiving the blessings of God our Creator and Savior.
Our mission is to bless the world!
How amazing is it that God is interested in using you and me to deliver His blessings to those around us?
God has given us a mission to share blessings in this world. It can be seen from the call of Abraham. “I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you and make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse those who frequent you. will be obtained” (Genesis 12:2,3).
The reason God called Abraham was to bless this world. The mission of all God's people after Abraham, the Christian's duty, is to bless the world.
Then, are we blessing our neighbors and sharing blessings while receiving and enjoying those blessings in this world? Is the Republic of Korea we live in changing into a blessed land?
Are we fulfilling our responsibility to bless our neighbors to bless, our families and children to bless, and our brothers and sisters to bless?
Why can't we experience and share the blessings?
Sadly, we are called to a blessed life, but too often we live on a level comparable to that of unbelievers, far from enjoying the blessings. We who have received spiritual blessings are not able to deliver spiritual blessings to the world. We have been called to the channel of blessing, but we are not able to deliver the stream of blessing like a clogged pipe.
The severance of God's relationship took away the blessing. It is no longer a channel of blessing. Our greed has kept us from enjoying God's blessings.
It is because of our wrong thinking that we cannot properly enjoy the blessings God has given us. Whose voice we listen to determines our success or failure in life. When Adam and Eve heard the voice of God, they lived the happiest life in paradise on earth. Their misfortune came because they listened to Satan instead of God. Just as Satan deceived Adam and Eve with his lies, he deceives us in the same way today.
Satan's purpose is to take away blessings
Satan's ultimate purpose is to destroy us. So they put the wrong programming chip inside us to break us. It tempts us to enjoy the pleasure that comes from doing things God forbids rather than enjoying the blessings God has given us. And in the end, it is Satan's way to make ourselves fall apart.
The Lord of the Rings comes with an absolute ring. The ring symbolizes absolute power. Frodo's mission is to destroy the ring. Only then will the empire of Sauron, ruled by evil, fall and peace will come. The symbol of the absolute ring is the fruit of good and evil. Gollum exists within us. Gwa was the absolute ring. Gollum seeks an opportunity to take the ring. The Gollum in us is the voice of the devil. With an absolute ring, you can do anything. you can do whatever you want
Satan, who tempted Adam and Eve through the tree of knowledge in the Garden of Eden, tempts us in the same way today. When Eve saw the fruit for the first time, she said, “It was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and desirable enough to make you wise” (Genesis 3:6). In 1 John, John says, “Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves this world, the Father is not in him, for all that is in the world is the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, all to the Father. He was not born, but was of the world” (1 John 2:15,16). Satan constantly strives to blind us with bodily pleasures, with more splendor and splendor, with lust for honor, with things to brag about. Satan deceives us. ""If you own this, you will be happy if you have it. If you become famous, people will look up to you.” All of these are actually Satan's temptations.
In the end, Satan takes our confidence away, and he brings shame from us, trying to fill us with a sense of comparison, a sense of guilt, a sense of damage, and all sorts of garbage thoughts.
So, “Why is this happening to me?”, Why is my life so twisted? It inspires self-pity, anxiety, worry, helplessness, and resentment.
What Satan wants is the destruction of relationships. It is Satan's goal to destroy our relationship with God, to separate us from God, and to keep us from approaching God. So Satan makes us fear God. It leads them to misunderstand God as a person who should not approach God and is angry. Guys, remember that when Adam and Eve sinned, they hid from God. This is what Satan is aiming for. To make yourself turn away from God, to hide from God! This is Satan's clever method. Satan did not force us to turn away from God, but instead made us find a way to separate ourselves from God. That is sin and disobedience. When he sins, he can't bear it because of his own guilt and leaves. Sin leads to the severance of a relationship. And the result of sin is death.
Our enemies whisper that we have no power. It frustrates and discourages us. The enemy the devil uses our own method to destroy ourselves. It makes us feel like we are insignificant, and it crushes us. Our enemies whisper that our problems are so great that there is no hope. .
But guys, be careful.
To God, we are precious and invaluable. God knows we are imperfect. Nevertheless, he loves us. Because God made us in His image. God makes us closer to the person of God every day.
We need to stop thinking about “why this is happening,” why this is happening and why it must be me. What happened in the past is now inevitable, but you can choose how to deal with the situation that lies before you. Don't make the mistake of ruining your future with bitterness and anger. Let go of the hurt and pain of the past and forgive those who have offended us. Above all, forgive the mistakes you have made.
Conclusion: Choose a Blessing!
Han wants me to decide to bless. I will always say congratulations. Praise and encouragement have the power to save people.
I am a person who saves people with words, thoughts, and words full of blessings.
Dear Heavenly Father, forgive me if I have ever blamed you for the pain and loss in my life, the circumstances, and the parents. Forgive yourself for being angry that life is unfair. I want to break free from the ghosts of the past. Please root out the anger and resentment that has permeated my life, and change my heart to fertile soil so that such seeds never grow again. I will live with blessings.