Title: Extroverted religious life (Mark 2:13-28)
For the Jews, the law was the standard for rectifying their lives and maintaining their relationship with God, but at times it was also a tool of terrible judgment for judging and condemning others. Especially the Pharisees and scribes who were in positions of study and teaching of the Law did this a lot.
In today's text, several aspects of their superficial false beliefs are revealed.
They first judged people by their appearance.
Jesus met Levi, son of Alphaeus, who was living on the Sea of Galilee, and said, “Follow me,” and calls him to be a partner in His precious ministry. Then he goes into his house and eats and fellowships with him. But from the perspective of the Pharisees, it was absolutely unacceptable. It was because he was a publican. Because tax collectors at that time were sinners in the eyes of the Pharisees, acting as agents of Rome and ruthlessly oppressing the poor. They judged him by what he was doing. However, Jesus saw what he needed, not what he was doing, and approached him. Like Jesus, we should be able to see what that person needs now, rather than looking at what that person is doing now.
Even in the matter of fasting, the Pharisees are showing the appearance of hypocritical believers.
Perhaps many Jews in those days fasted at a fixed time. But Jesus and his disciples did not fast even at that time. This, too, was incomprehensible from the point of view of the Pharisees. Even today, many Christians fast and pray. It is a great thing and commendable to say that you devote yourself to prayer and fasting for a few days. But sometimes, there are people who fast and pray as a ritual or to show others. The life of faith is not for others, but for oneself. No matter how good a fasting prayer is, it is of no benefit if it is ceremonial or ceremonial. May our beliefs not become superficial.
The third and last was about the Sabbath.
At that time, the Jews were keeping the Sabbath according to the teachings of the law. One day, while Jesus and his disciples were passing through a wheat field on the Sabbath, Jesus' disciples broke wheat to make a road and ate it. It was also unacceptable for the Sabbath-keeping Jews. Jesus said, “The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.” We must not make the mistake of limiting our peace and freedom by being bound by institutions or traditions. We must not lose sight of the thrill and joy of worship because of the thought that we should have holy water on Sunday.
The Word of God should be a tool to keep my faith and come to the Lord in a more holy way, not to judge or condemn others.
By examining myself through the Word of God, I hope that today will be a day to live a true Christian life, free from false beliefs.