Title: Faith that aligns with actions and lips
Hymn: 399 “Standing on the word of the Lord”
Meditation: Jesus is the King of kings.
Confession of Faith: Apostles' Creed
Text: “When they came to Capernaum, those who received half a shekel came to Peter and said, “Doesn’t your teacher pay half a shekel?” (Matthew 17:24-27)
Word: In today's text, the Lord's work is truly a subtle miracle. Let's see why our Lord did this little miracle. When the tax collector asked Peter, “Does your teacher pay taxes?” Peter replied, “I do.” Because at that time, people had to pay the temple tax by half a shekel per person when a man turned 20. But Peter clearly confessed to Jesus that “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” So it was inconsistent to say that the tax collectors were paying taxes.
Clearly, our Jesus said that He was the Son of God. Because Jesus is the Son of God, there is no need to pay the temple tax. But Peter said that wrong to the tax collector. Jesus knew Peter's mistake. However, the Lord tells Peter to “get out the fishing rod” to take responsibility for the disciple’s mistake. The Lord was telling the tax collector that he would just pay the tax because Peter had already made a mistake.
As Jesus commanded, Peter went out to sea, threw a fishing rod, caught a fish, and got a shekel of money. Have we ever made the same mistake as Peter did today? Although we believe and rely on the Lord as the Lord of the earth and the King of kings, we do not admit it with our mouths in our daily lives and often act inconsistent with the Word.
Dear brothers and sisters, let us now move forward with faith in accord with our actions and words. At that time, the Lord is pleased and walks with you in your life. Jesus helps us when we make mistakes. However, we must live a life in harmony with our actions and words according to today's text.
How much must Peter have repented through this incident? Remembering this great love of the Lord, I hope you will have faith that is consistent with your actions and words from now on.
Prayer: Lord, who knew that Peter made a mistake and made him fish a fish to pay a tax, please always enlighten us with your Word even if we make mistakes in our lives and grant us beautiful faith to run in harmony with our actions and words. I pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Lord's Prayer