Title: Faith to Imitate (Romans 04:18-25)
Description Abraham is the father of the nation of Israel, but he is also called the father of believers. Ancestors refer not only to the source of the body, but also to the source of the norms of life. All peoples are trying to inherit the things of their ancestors just as their bodies are becoming similar to their ancestors, their language, customs, religion, and culture. In other words, ancestors are examples of their descendants. When we say that Abraham is our ancestor, we mean that Abraham is our example. So, what should we imitate? Abraham's faith. That faith is truly a lighthouse that shines in the history of mankind. Paul summarizes Abraham's faith in three ways.
1. I wished while I could not hope. Abraham lived in Haran early. God called him and said that he would give him great blessings if he went to the place God directed. But it was a difficult word to obey. First, the destination is not clear. Second, the content of the blessing was so grandiose that its realization was unlikely. its contents
(1) Make us a great nation
(2) He will make his name great.
(3) It was to make them a source of blessing for the nations. At this time, Abraham was 75 years old. Until then, when will he, without blood and blood, have many children and form a great nation, and when he, who has no interest in power, will sit on a great throne, enjoy wealth and fame, and his name will become great? It was such a dazzling promise that I could hardly even look at it. But Abraham bravely left Haran. It was looking at what could not be hoped for. In fact, if you wish for what you can hope for, what is faith? You will be able to maintain your faith only when you hope for something you cannot hope for. But this is not so easy, and the faith of Abraham is great and needs to be imitated and learned.