Title: How Were Saved?
How were you saved? (Acts 4:5-12)
1. People's Questions
The question of the Jewish officials was, “By what authority and in whose name do you do these things?” 's question. This is a question of those who live by the temporal power of the Roman emperor at that time, or the power of his name, that is, the principle of worldly power. However, the salvation of mankind and the blessing of eternal life are accomplished only by the power and authority of God. When people have high status, honor, or power in the world, they control everything and try to do everything with their power. They live under the illusion that they are the masters of the world. They are interrogating those who fear God in the name of serving God. Because these people really do not know the will of God. These misunderstandings make the world complex and chaotic. However, God's salvation must not be done by the power of the world, but by the power of God.
2. Answers from the apostles
3. Evidence of problem solution
The most perfect prescription for God's creation of man and the salvation of fallen mankind is the cross of Jesus Christ. The amazing work of God was the restoration of salvation through the name of Jesus Christ. God's salvation is the salvation of all mankind. The salvation of the whole person means salvation in which the spirit, soul, and body are perfected (1 Thessalonians 5:23). This salvation is the salvation that God will complete through Jesus Christ. God sent Jesus Christ as the Savior of the world for this purpose. The grace of salvation for a person who has suffered from problems all his life since birth is a blessing in the name of Jesus Christ. It is a sign that follows those who believe in the name of Jesus (Mark 16:17). God loves us. God sent Jesus Christ as the answer to our problems. Do you believe that the cross of Jesus Christ is the key to life's problems?