Title: Humans and Religion (2011.8.7)
Date: August 7, 2011
Word: Genesis 1:26-28
Title: Man and Religion
All human life is dependent on God. Our human race has never lived without religion and cannot live without religion. It means that all human beings have no choice but to depend on anything other than God. In that sense, all human beings God is dependent on God. However, fallen human beings are completely corrupted so that no one seeks God and cannot find Him. God has come. It can also be said that human beings are intelligent and religious. The reason is that in the beginning God created human beings. Because when he made it, he breathed the breath of life into his nostrils.<Genesis 2:7>The LORD God formed man from the dust of the earth, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being. He said that he was created so that he had to serve God.
All religions can be divided into natural religions and revealed religions. All human misery comes from lack of religion or wrong religion. Religion is a natural religion that seeks salvation through human strength and revelation obtained through God's decree and plan. There is religion. Religion in nature is worshiping all creatures. Serving nature (sun, moon, trees, mountains, sea, etc.) beasts or humans (the greatest person among all creatures) Serving the gods (starting with myths or humans) One god) Spiritual creatures (angel worship, ghost worship, etc .) All these things are called idols. All religions start with Satan or man, and their encounters are bound to be false. Revelation religion is to serve the Creator, and true religion is to live God. God came to seek the dead souls. It is a religion where there is creation, the afterlife is certain, and there is salvation.
All religions form an encounter. All religions form an encounter because humans sacrifice to the object of worship of that religion. So, religion can be said to be an encounter. All religions form an encounter through that religion. Life that turns away from God It means returning to God. Christianity is an encounter between God and man. It is the encounter between the Creator and creation. True religion begins with God who came to the dead. Christianity begins with the sure ground of the Revelation of GOD. Also, it is bound to be the same, transcending regions and times and circumstances. No. It can also be expressed as unity or universality. The Creator God who called us, Jesus who died on the cross and ascended into heaven, let us give thanks for letting us meet the living God who will awaken us and lead us to heaven.