Title: I Have Reason to Praise
23 days
Sermon Title
I have reason to praise
Old Testament text
Micah 5:2-5a
New Testament text
Luke 1:46-55
sermon video
Old Testament
2. Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are small among the clans of Judah, out of you will come for me one who will be ruler over Israel, whose origins are from ancient times and from eternity.
3. Therefore, he will keep them until the woman gives birth, and after that the remnant of his brethren shall return to the children of Israel.
4. In the power of the LORD, and in the majesty of the name of the LORD his God, he stands and shepherds, and they dwell; and now he will be great and extend to the ends of the earth.
5. This Man Will Be Peaceful
new testament
46. And Mary said, My soul praises the Lord;
47. My heart rejoiced in God my Savior
48. For he looked after the lowliness of his maidservant. Behold, from now on all generations will call me blessed.
49. The mighty hath done great things for me, holy is his name.
50. From generation to generation mercy goes to those who fear.
51. He showed strength with his arm, and scattered those who were proud of the thoughts of their hearts.
52. He hath brought down the mighty upon him, and exalted the humble
53. He fills the hungry with good things, and sends the rich away empty-handed.
54. He helped his servant Israel, had mercy on him, and remembered him.
55. To Abraham and to his descendants forever and ever, as he said to our fathers.
This song, in which Mary met Elizabeth after the Annunciation, and praised God, was nicknamed Magnificat, and became the root of many choirs and music. This is because the Latin text of the song begins with Magnificat. It would be shameful for an unmarried virgin to have children, and it would be a shameful thing to be condemned to death. Why did he praise God?
1. It is because God cares for the lowly. Mary sings that the reason I praise my God is that God looked upon the lowliness of the servant girl. Maria was nothing more than a nameless country woman. But God chose him to begin a great work for the whole world.
2. Because He will show mercy to all. Mary's praise does not stop at what she has done for herself, but goes on to praise her compassion for all people. Praise God as faithful and mighty, holy and merciful. He fights for the poor, the oppressed and the despised.
3. Because He helps the elect. Mary's song leads to a community song. “He helped his servant Israel, and had mercy on him, and remembered him.” God kept His promise to be merciful to His people forever. Mary remembered that the birth of Christ was the fulfillment of that promise.
Mary was at first surprised by her choice, but after that she praised without surprise. It was because he was convinced that God cares for the lowly, has mercy on all, and helps the elect. Let us also, following Mary, glorify God with praise of humility, confidence, and joy.
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