Title: If You Don't Fear God...
Text / Deuteronomy 28:58~68 Title / If we do not fear God…
In the text, the curse that will come upon disobedience to God's word continues. What we should note here is that most people try to evaluate by what they see. That is, it is a schematic teaching of 'faith = material blessings' and 'unbelief = hardship'. However, in fact, the original teachings of blessings and curses described in Deuteronomy 28 are not in these visible results. The clear teaching of this chapter is that man can never live apart from God. It is in this understanding that we must see the words of blessing and curse. Then, what kind of punishment will come if we do not keep God's word, and do not obey it...(58), which is the last thing in Deuteronomy 28?
1. The plague of disease (59-61).
2. Decrease in number (62,63).
3. Captivity (64-68).
As such, the results of obedience and disobedience to God's Word are polar opposites. In a life that does not always fear God, like a moving bomb, we do not know when and when many diseases will come. Also, despite a lot of hard work, will the number decrease rather than the prosperity that God promised in the beginning? You may return to the blessing of becoming God's people, which you obtained through , and fall into the position of being taken back as a prisoner of "Egypt" (68) (the world).