Title: Imitating Christ Jesus
imitate Christ Jesus
(Romans 15:1-6)
February 20, 2011 Sunday Worship Witness
Professor Jang Yoon-jae
(Ewha Womans University, Department of Christian Theology)
Thank you for inviting the poor. How have you all been in the meantime? The day we head to Saegil Church is always special. It is because it is the day when I become a pilgrim, whether I myself have really lived a new path during this time, or whether I have walked a new path of faith.
This morning, I would like to share my thoughts with the text of Romans 15:1-6 under the title “Imitation of Christ Jesus”.
Germans say this when they buy something in a store. “How long can I use this?” When Japanese people buy things, they ask: “Is this new?” However, Koreans say that we always ask about this. “Is this thing real?” If you have been deceived by how much ‘fake’ you have lived, would it have become a daily thing to ask yourself if it was ‘real’? As a result, ‘true’ oil is also genuine, pure, 100%, original… It is a little reassuring to have these words added. But it doesn't seem like people only ask if it's genuine when they buy it. The people of the world seem to be asking these questions inwardly toward us toward the church with the Bible by our side on this Sunday. “Are you real?” “Are you really a Christian?”
A cultural phenomenon called 'anti-Christianity' is spreading in our society these days. There are so many anti-Christian Internet sites that it is difficult to list them all.