Title: In New Life/Romans 6:1-11
Since Korean food was included in the first week of April, many of the saints must have visited the Holy Sepulcher.
When you go to a tomb, there are tombstones.
The tombstone is engraved with the name of the person who was first buried there.
It is then engraved that he was born in years, months, and days, and died in years, months, and days.
Others engrave more children's names and some things he did while he was alive.
When writing a biography of a person, put the year of birth and death after his name.
The Lord's case is different.
Born December 25, 1 C.E., so far the same.
After careful investigation, it was found that Jesus was not born in 1 C.E., but in 4 B.C., but because Jesus was so important, we tried to set Jesus' birth in 1 C.E. when establishing the era name. You have to remember.
Then, the date of death is not written down or celebrated.
What do I do instead?
In this way we celebrate the Resurrection.
We hold a memorial service on the day our parents or ancestors passed away.
But in the case of Jesus, there is no memorial service.
We do not do ‘special events a few weeks after the death of Jesus’.
In this way, we commemorate and celebrate the Resurrection.
Graves are different.
All others are in the grave.
The tomb of the Lord is empty.
This is only the case with the Lord. No one else does this.
I can't.
Because there is no one who is resurrected except the Lord.
Resurrection is the 'second birthday' in the life of the Lord.
Everyone, please have a happy face.
In the candlelight service sermon this morning, John said that he came to the grave on the morning of the resurrection but did not enter the tomb, which is like a baseball player who advances to third base and hesitates before being able to go home and get out.
Resurrection can be compared to a full-base home run in a baseball game.
When a full-base home run is hit, all runners enter the home.
Running is not good, so running is a little slow, so players who usually get out easily come in.
Resurrection solves all problems.
In the world, there are many things like the defeat of righteousness and the triumph of injustice, and there were questions and conflicts, but the resurrection solves those problems.
Because the resurrection means the great victory of righteousness, the eternal victory.
The biggest problem in life is probably the problem of death.
Resurrection also solves the problem of death.
When a full-base home run hits, the crowd goes crazy.
At the last WBC Baseball Tournament, was Hee-seop Choi, or even a home run, how enthusiastic were you?
Today, when Jesus was resurrected, we must have more enthusiasm than that.
Romans is said to be the most important Bible in the Old and New Testaments.
“If the Bible is a ring, then Romans is like a diamond in that ring.”
Romans 6, which contains today's text, can be said to be the resurrection chapter in Romans that is so important.
Throughout the New Testament, the chapter on resurrection is 1 Corinthians 15, and the apostle Paul once again speaks of his unique theology of resurrection in the beginning of Romans 6.
In particular, it describes the resurrection in connection with baptism.
Those who were baptized today, please read Romans 6 again.
Even those who have already been baptized should reconsider the meaning of the baptism they received while reading Romans 6.
In order to do that, when we do baptismal questions and answers, we do not only ask questions with those who are being baptized, but also with the members who have already been baptized.
Questions and answers with believers who have already been baptized are as follows.
Dear brothers and sisters, are you once again convinced that you are fulfilling the mission you received from Christ by keeping the things you asked for when you were baptized and as members of the body of Christ, the church?
Those of you who are delaying getting baptized, please understand the meaning of baptism and receive it as soon as possible.
What does Romans 6 teach us about the resurrection?
First, resurrection is walking in new life.
Please see verse 4.
Therefore we were buried with him through baptism into death, so that just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, so we too may walk in newness of life.
Last Friday, I went to the Yongin campus of Myongji University to lead the chapel, and a placard was hung in the auditorium reading 'The Resurrection of Jesus, Our Resurrection'.
Actually I should write one more down there.
“The Resurrection of Jesus, Our Resurrection” What's Next?
“My Resurrection” must enter.
If the resurrection of Jesus is my resurrection, then I must walk in a new life.
To walk in the new life means to gain a new life (“Joint Translation”) and live in a new life (“New Translation”).
Anyone who walks in the new life must become a new creature.
2 Corinthians 5:17 says
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has passed away; behold, the new has come.”
is saying
Those who walk in the new life must live as a new person.
We must live the life that Ephesians 4:23 and 24 speak of.
Put off the old man, which is corrupt according to the lusts of temptation, and put on the new man, who was created after God in righteousness and holiness of truth, but be renewed in spirit.
If you believe in the resurrection from today, you must live by asking, 'Is this a life worthy of a person who has received a new life?'
I need to get rid of the things I used to do when I was an old person, when I was not reborn.
We must follow the words of Colossians 3:8-10.
Now put off all these things, that is, wrath and wrath and malice and slander, and shameful words of your mouth. Do not lie to one another; for you have put off the old man and his deeds, and have put on the new man, which is in the image of him who created him. have been renewed even in knowledge (Col 3:8-10).
Be a partaker of Jesus' resurrection and walk in a new life.
Second, we must live as one united with the resurrection.
Please see verse 5.
If we have been united in the likeness of his death, we will also be united in the likeness of his resurrection.
What we associate with is very important.
Those who associate with bad forces become bad people.
Psalm 50:18 says that he who is united with thieves is united with thieves, and he is a companion with adulterers.
Exodus 23:1 tells us not to be perjury witnesses in association with the wicked.
Hosea 4:17 says, “Let Ephraim be united with idols.”
God sometimes leaves those who are united with idols like this.
We must be united in good things.
We must be especially united with the Lord.
John 15 tells us that union with the Lord, who is the vine, bears much fruit.
Union with the Lord means that, through the atoning blood of Jesus Christ, a sinner is justified by faith in Him.
We must be united in the resurrection of Jesus.
Those who are united to the resurrection of Jesus must always have spiritual communion with the risen Lord.
Just as a branch connected to a stem always receives nutrients, believers who are united in the resurrection of Jesus must receive the power to overcome death.
The saints who are united in the resurrection of Jesus must follow Christ, who not only died for our sins, but also broke sin and authority so that sin may never come in and rule over them again.
That is the teaching of verses 6 and 7.
We know that our old self was crucified with Jesus so that the body of sin might be put to death and we should no longer be slaves to sin, for the dead have been set free from sin.
Just as the branch connected to the vine produces grapes and the branch connected to the apple tree produces apples, so the saints who are united in the resurrection of Jesus must have the life of Jesus manifested in his body.
This is 2 Corinthians 4:10 and 11.
For we always carry in our body the death of Jesus, that the life of Jesus may also be manifested in our body.
Those who are united with the resurrection do not have the second death that Revelation 21:8 speaks of.
Be united with the resurrection and live the life of Jesus while not allowing sin to rule over you.
Third, we must live as living beings toward God.
Verse 10 says that the Lord is alive to God, and verse 11 says that in the same way, we should consider ourselves alive to God in Christ Jesus.
To regard God as a living being means to always think that you are in the presence of God.
In front of God, it is always called temple ritual in Chinese, and koram deo in Latin.
To regard God as a living being is to live with God.
To regard God as a living being is to live completely dependent on God.
To regard God as a living being is to live in obedience to God.
To regard God as a living being is to live for God above all else.
The Standard New Translation and the Joint Translation both translated “for God” here as “for God.”
When we have the conviction that God is still alive, we can live as if we were alive to God.
When we speak of God's creation, we say that creation is a past event, a present event, and a future event.
The creation of the heavens and the earth by God in the beginning is a past creation.
Taking responsibility for and taking care of the heavens and the earth that God created, especially human beings, is the present creation.
We will continue to do so in the future, future creation.
Resurrection is a past event, a present event, and a future event at the same time.
Jesus rose from the dead two thousand years ago this morning. Past resurrection.
Jesus rose again in our worship service today. It is a present resurrection.
The truth of the resurrection will continue forever. Futuristic resurrection.
I hope that every single one of you will become saints who experience the present resurrection.
I pray in the name of the resurrected Lord that the power of the resurrection will be exercised in you and my life today, and I will become a person who has received new life, a person united with the resurrection, and a living person to God!