Title: It Will Be Done!
Bible Text: John 21:5-11
1 5 3 tactics
Then it will be done!
Operation Jericho was a success that created a surprising victory with God's tactics. The Israeli army marched around Jericho for 7 days, and the strategy was a psychological warfare for the people of Jericho and a spiritual warfare that made the Israeli army depend on God. We did not prepare weapons, nor did we prepare weapons that would break the walls. That's not to say they didn't hire special agents. He said that he would go around the city once every day for six days, and on the seventh day he would go around six times and blow the trumpet loudly and the wall would fall down. And to rush in at once and take that castle. As I said, I went around the castle in silence. And then there is no movement. On the second and third days, they toured the castle in the same way for 6 days. The people of Jericho must have been mentally withdrawn and afraid. On the seventh day, when they shouted loudly with the sound of a trumpet, the wall fell down. As a result of Israel's acceptance of God's strategy, Operation Jericho was successful.
153 What is tactics? What was the tactic to catch 153 large fish at once?
The word is a tactic.
The resurrected Jesus appeared to the disciples who went fishing. “Jesus said, Children, do you have fish? He answered, “No” (verse 5). Did you catch a fish? I mean, I didn't catch a single one. Jesus said, “I have come that they may have life, and have it more abundantly” (John 10:10).
There are times in life when things go well and times when they don't. Failure is not my fault. Failure leads to finding new ways. Let them discover their weaknesses and try them from a different perspective. Success comes through failure. Through failure, you find a better way.
Jesus tells us that we must turn and become like a child to enter the kingdom of heaven. Children are more receptive. Approaching new and novel things with curiosity. I am amazed at accepting new things. Children grow as they go. In order for a spacecraft to enter space, it is called Phantom Thief Crystal. Life also sometimes needs phantom thief correction. Correcting the Phantom Thief at the right moment is a course for success.
The Lord's tactic to succeed the failed fisherman Simon Peter is, “Go out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.” It shouldn't go around the edges. The deeper you go, the more dangerous you will feel, but the deeper you go.
What made Peter go from a failure to a successful person was to listen to the Lord. He listened as Jesus spoke from his boat. It was possible because Simon Peter accepted God's tactics that he caught enough fish to fill the boat and submerge it. “...Teacher, we have toiled all night and found nothing, but at your word we will let down our nets” (Luke 5:5). One of the “7 Habits of Unsuccessful People” is not listening. As a result of accepting Jesus' tactic and casting a net into the depths, we received the blessing of all ships.
What God commanded Joshua was, “Do not let this book of the law depart from your mouth, and if you keep it as it is written, your way will be smooth and prosperous” (Joshua 1:8). God's teaching. It is to keep thinking about God's tactics and God's vision, so that the thoughts of God contained in the Word naturally come out of your mouth.
“The heart of the wise is on the right hand, and the heart of a fool is on the left” (Ecclesiastes 10:2), Jesus said. “I will put the sheep on the right and the goats on the left. Then the king said to those on his right, “Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world” (Matthew 25:33-34). is the follower. The sheep is a symbol of obedience, and the goat is a symbol of disobedience. The one on the right is the heir of the kingdom of God. Then you will get it! “Throw your net on the right side of the boat!” This is tactic 153.
Execution is the secret.
Then you will get it! “Then they threw it, and the net could not be lifted because there were too many fish” (verse 6). As the Lord commanded to cast the net on the right side of the boat, they threw it, and 153 large fish were caught. No matter how good a tactic is, if I don't use it as my tactic, it has nothing to do with me. We must believe the word and put it into practice. It takes faith in the tactician to make that tactic mine. Unbelievable teachings do not employ.
To succeed, you must defeat the sense of defeat that makes you fail. If defeat succeeds, I become a loser. What is the principle of defeat? “I can’t” and “I can’t” is a sense of defeat. Success strategy, follow-up, and followership must meet well. Immediate obedience to the success principle is important. You have to throw yourself into the tactic of success. Those who decide at the right time and act at the right time will gain much. The church should be like an army. It should be a community that obeys or obeys orders. You must have the power to execute.
“The first lesson of every great man is to learn how to obey, to whom to obey, and when to obey.” (General Robert Lee)
Jesus said to Peter, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men” (Matthew 4:19). He was able to bring 3,000 people back to God in one day because he left everything and followed Jesus. The reason that they caught so many fish that they filled the boats with water was because they cast their nets by relying on the Word. “Therefore, there were so many fish that were wrapped around them, and the nets were torn…and they filled the boats twice, and they were submerged” (Luke 5:6-7).
What is the difference between those who start and those who do not? Those who fail to start wait until all conditions are perfect. Beginners don't wait until everything is perfect. I have a problem, but it just starts. They know the secrets that great leaders understand. We know that the first step gets easier little by little, and we believe that the problem will be solved by itself as we do it.
To get to where you want to go, you have to start. It doesn't matter how competent I am. It matters what principle I follow. Abram became Abraham because he obeyed the word of the Lord. Benjamin Franklin said, "To be successful, seize the opportunity as soon as possible." To change the world, I must first change. When Peter heard that it was Jesus, he jumped into the water. “He jumped down into the sea” (verse 7). These words show faith in action. Implementation of strategy and execution of tactics are the secret to victory. Please practice the Lord's tactics and catch 153 large fish.
Teamwork is a skill.
Then you will get it! The miracle of raising 153 large fish was possible because of teamwork. Everyone focused on one tactic. Everyone agreed with the saying to throw on the right. No one insisted on throwing it to the left. There is a saying that if there are many sailors, the boat goes to the mountains.
When Joshua led the people of Israel to conquer Canaan, everyone became one with God's operational command. That was the secret of the conquest of Canaan. The people said to Joshua, "...whatever you command us, we will do, and wherever you send us we will go. Anyone who disobeys your commands and does not obey your commands will be put to death; but be strong and courageous” (Joshua 1:16-18). It was a united organization. The teamwork between the leader and the follower was inspiring.
A team is an organization that is committed to, interdependent, self-responsible, and skilled in a common purpose, goal, and approach. “Ye are the body of Christ, each part of it” (1 Corinthians 12:27). No one is unimportant. Because their roles are different.
Network The word network is a combination of the word net and the word work. A net is a piece of thread woven to catch animals or fish. Like a web of hundreds of thousands of small partitions, all people and all organizations are connected vertically and horizontally to work together for a single purpose.
“All things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose” (Romans 8:28). The synergy here is the Greek word sunergeo, from which the words ‘synergy’ and ‘synergy’ are derived. Synergy is when two or more actions combine to have a much greater effect. It is when all the different things come together that amazing powers arise.
“The disciples rowed their boats, pulling nets full of fish, and set them on the shore of the lake” (verse 8). The net was full of big fish. There were 153 large fish. Although there were so many fish, the net was not torn (verse 11). When several people work together, an individual can do much more than work alone. Teamwork saves effort and increases effectiveness. Individual resources, ideas and energy are maximized. It is said that an ant can drag 60 times its own body weight by itself. If the ants teamed up, the synergy would be greatly increased.
“If you do, you will get it.” You just have to follow God's tactics. “Throw your net on the right side of the boat.” There are strategies and tactics in those words. “A wise man will hear and increase in learning, and a man of understanding will find counsel.” God is the God of counsel and talent. It is said that if you have many counselors, you will succeed (Proverbs 15:22), but God's advice is the way to success. The Bible is a textbook for business administration, a collection of strategies for success and tactics.
No matter how great a success principle is, if you don't put it into practice, you won't be successful. It is a treasure if the beads are threaded even at the beginning. Blunt extensions do not succeed. “Then you will get it”
Teamwork is important. God is also a triune God. Each of the three persons do different things, but they work for one. We must unite to win. “And it will be done” No one in the history of mankind has influenced civilization alone without the help of anyone. No one can achieve great results alone. If we all work together, we can achieve anything. The three-fold cord does not break.