Title: Jacob Became Israel/Genesis 32:21-30
Content Title: Jacob Became Israel/Genesis 32:21-30
1. Esau and Jacob
1) When Rebekah, Isaac's wife, could not have children, she prayed to God, and God gave her a child, but they were twins. The twins fought each other from their mother's womb, and when the baby was born, the older brother was red and furry, so he named him "Esau", and the younger brother came out holding his older brother's heel and named him "Jacob". When this brother grew up, Esau became a hunter who ran through the fields and mountains. His father Isaac loved Esau because he liked venison, and Jacob was loved by his mother, Rebekah, because he used to sleep quietly in a tent.
2) One day Esau returned from the field hungry, and Jacob was cooking red porridge at that time. Esau demanded death from Jacob, and Jacob demanded the birthright from his brother. The eldest son had the privilege of receiving blessings from God as well as property rights. Esau accepted Jacob's offer, considering this right of inheritance insignificant. This was the turning point that separated their lives.
3) The Bible condemns Esau's rashness and false faith in God rather than Jacob's wrong character (Hebrews 12:16). This event was of great importance not only for Esau but also for Jacob. Because his life had to be a pillow of stone, and he had to walk the path of faith according to God's promises.
2. Stone Pillow and Bethel
1) On the way to Haran, where Jacob lived because of his hatred of Esau, he fell asleep with a stone as a pillow. It was lonely and lonely to sleep with a stone as a pillow on the ground in an unfamiliar country on a dark night. It was the result of Jacob's own wrongdoing, but he must have fallen into despair as a human being.
2) But this place also became "Bethel" for Jacob. God's hand of salvation came to Jacob, who was completely in loneliness and despair as a human being. I came to realize that “God is with us” in any place and in any environment. And I received God's promise (Genesis 28:13-15).
3. Jacob changed to Israel
1) In order for Jacob's bad character to be caught by God and be used, it could not be completed without accumulating a lot of training. Jacob had been serving in Haran for 20 years, and he learned a lot while dealing with his maternal uncle Laban, who was similar in his cunning appearance. In Bethel, I came to know God, and in Haran, I came to know man.
2) After Jacob's life in Haran, he left for his hometown. But he still had great unresolved concerns, which were none other than his older brother Esau. Jacob tried to solve this humanly, but he could not be relieved (32:20).
3) Wrestling with an angel at the Jabbok River became a life-changing event once again. His name was changed from Jacob to Israel. Jacob, who had been cunning, deceived, and robbed, was transformed into a victor of faith, with a sure faith in God, a life of obedience, and a life of obedience.
4) This experience resulted in Jacob not only being reconciled with Esau, but also returning to Bethel, building an altar, worshiping repentance overflowing with emotion, and living as a person of faith.