Title: Jehovah the Father (2010.5.2)
Date: May 2, 2010
Word: Jeremiah 17:12-14
Title: Father
“He that trusts in the Lord, a tree planted by streams of water spreads its roots by the riverbank, and when the heat comes, it is green before it, and there is no worry in drought; it bears fruit, but he who turns away from the Lord will be cursed.” He says that salvation comes only from the Lord.
People have a lot to be proud of. But why is the boasting of God not enough? Have nothing to brag about? Rather, they are ashamed to believe in God. father!! He, Jehovah, is the Father of Israel, our Father!! you are my father
Jehovah of the glorious throne (verse 12)
The throne of the temple in Jerusalem is high, beautiful, and mysterious in itself. God's earthly dwelling place was expressed as the Most High Throne in the Temple in Jerusalem. God's dwelling place is a high and high throne. It is the abode of mystery and power.
This God is our Father and my Father. What father in the world could sit on a more glorious throne than this?
Yahweh, the hope of Israel (verse 13)
What is your true hope in this world? The prophet Jeremiah confesses and teaches that “the Lord is the hope of Israel.” Our soul is beautiful because it has life and hope. Hope is accompanied by tremendous power. Our hope is the unshakable Jehovah.
Yahweh, the fountain of living water (verse 13)
What is bottled water? It is literally the water of life. It is water that quenches the thirst of thirsty life. God is the source of all life.
Yahweh, my praise (verse 14
There are many foolish people who can't praise the Creator and praise the things that have been created in this era when the waves of sin are overflowing. Our praise is the God who made heaven and earth.
The LORD heals me (verse 14, second half)
God is the one who made me and the God who heals us anew. God healed a corrupt and corrupt heart. You have also repaired your home. Even a 12-year-old woman with bleeding was healed by God at once.
Yahweh my salvation
He alone is our savior. Our salvation is only in the Lord. He saves nations and saves souls. Let us praise and boast to our hearts the Lord our Father and my Father.