Title: Jesus walking through the candlesticks
Description Jesus walking among the candlesticks 9 (Revelation 3:20-22)
But no one can hear this. This is because there is another ear to hear the voice of man and another ear to hear the voice of God. Who Can Hear God's Voice? Children of God can hear the voice of Jesus. In the servant's eyes, "The house is nice. The clothes look good, they look delicious...” I see nothing but good clothes. But in the eyes of the son, he sees the heart, love, and grace of the father. The son hears, the servant does not. Do I really have ears to hear the voice of God? Let's long for the filling of the Holy Spirit every day, remembering that we can hear and understand the voice of man through the workings of the Holy Spirit, not with our ears. (1 Corinthians 2:10) We must be born again to hear the word of God. have. Those who are born of the flesh cannot hear the voice of the Spirit. This is because life is different. (3 John, 1 Pet 1:23)
A very special meeting! Evangelism is a great command. It is the purpose of the church and the purpose of our existence. Hearing these words, my heart was burning, and I said, “I will preach with the heart of Jesus!” Such people are saints. Otherwise, you're not a saint, you're just a church member. We pray that the members of Seomun Church will become blessed members who listen to and obey God's voice in all circumstances.