Title: Jesus! You are the God of Immanuel
Text: Matthew 1:18-23
There are so many religions in this world. Among them, Christianity is the only religion of life that stands firmly in the truth. Christianity believes in Jesus Christ. When we say we believe in Jesus Christ, we first believe that He is the Son of God, and second, we believe that He is the Savior of the world. Jesus is the truth itself (John 14:6). John 14:6 “I am the way, the truth, and the life; no one comes to God the Father but through me”.
Also in John 1:14, “The Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.” .
The Bible clearly testifies of the Triune God.
John 10:30 “I and the Father are one”, John 10:38 “The Father is in me, and I am in God the Father, and you will know and know”, and in John 17:11, “Holy Father, your name is given to me. preserve them, so that we may be one as we are.”
The basic doctrine of the Trinity is the doctrine of the Trinity, which is the basis of Christian theology and faith. God the Father, Jesus the Son, and God the Holy Spirit are one. same. Therefore, it is explained that the two (位) are one God, one God (一 ).
What is clear is that God the Father is the essence of God, Jesus the Son is the substance of God, and the Holy Spirit is the original Spirit and one God.
So, in Philippians 2:6, Jesus said, “He was in the form of God, but did not regard equality with God as robbery… ”. I did.
Therefore, although the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are three persons, they are the same God in glory, power and status.
This triune God created the heavens and the earth (Genesis 1:26). Man was made “in our image,” that is, in the image of the Triune God. He created us to be a spiritual being with an invisible soul like God the Father, a physical being with a visible image like Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit who is the Spirit, to make us a temple. And you did it with the person who made it.
However, the good relationship between God and man is broken by the sin of disobedience. It is found in Genesis chapter 4.
The serpent (Satan, the devil: Revelation 12:7-9) tempts Eve to eat the fruit of the forbidden fruit and sin, and takes away her spiritual freedom and life so she can become a slave to the devil. Human beings who have sinned are cut off from their relationship with God. Therefore, sinners cannot draw near to God, seek God but do not find Him, and wait for the eternal displeasure prepared for the devil and his angels, so there is no hope.
But, amazingly, God came to us as Jesus who became flesh and the Word became flesh. That is Christmas. The sinless One came to this sinful world in human form. Jesus came as the Holy Spirit (Matthew 1:18) and the Savior (Matthew 1:21). He came to this world to be with us, Emmanuel, and this is Christmas. If you seek the joys of the world on Christmas, you are a person who has nothing to do with Christmas.
The God of Immanuel who is with us,
First, the Word took on flesh and became Immanuel.
The Word is God (John 1:1). The Word is truth (John 17:17) and is eternal. There is no change. It's true. It gives life. Therefore, the attributes of Jesus who became flesh and became flesh are the same. The same (Hebrews 12:8) Jesus is with us Immanuel to the end of the world (Matthew 28:20).
Second, the sinless One was Emmanuel like a sinner.
A sinful person could not come to the sinless God, but when Jesus died on the cross, He broke the curtain between the Holy and the Most Holy (Matthew 27:51) so that they could come directly.
Hebrews 10:19-21 “We have confidence to enter the holy place by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way that he opened for us through the veil, which is his flesh.”
Third, the invisible God made Immanuel the visible God.
John 14:8 “Philip, among the disciples, Jesus, show us God the Father, and that is enough. 9 He who has seen me has seen the Father; why do you say, Show us the Father? God is spirit and cannot be touched or seen, but Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, revealed God (John 1:18).
Dear members of Shepherd Church,
Christmas is the mysterious birth of a God who can see the invisible God. Let's celebrate the birth of Jesus, the Imminuel God, who is the God who is Imminuel until the end of the world through Christmas, when an innocent person on this low earth from the heavenly throne appeared as a God who can see God who cannot be seen in the form of a sinful man. And I wish you a blessed Christmas when you welcome him as the protagonist of your life. Hallelujah