Title: Jewish Genocide Conspiracy/Est 3:1-15
Introduction: Haman, a servant of King Ahasuerus, is a descendant of Agag, king of Amelak.
Haman's death marked the end of God's wrath against Amalek (Exodus 17:16).
All. This wicked Haman hated Mordecai, so he killed his people, the Jews.
They conspired to massacre and ended up executing it.
1. Mordecai's Indomitable Faith 1-4
The time was between the 7th (2:16) and 12th (3:7) years of the reign of King Ahasuerus.
It's an awkward case. The beginning of the incident was that Haman's status increased, so he
All the king's servants bowed down to Haman, but Mordecai did not kneel.
He didn't even bow down. This is not Mordecai's pride, but here"
“Kneel down and bow down” is a form of worshiping a god according to Persian custom. Therefore,
They rejected it out of their religious refusal to worship idols, and their servants
Haman complained.
2. Haman's Prideful Wrath 5-6
Haman, who heard and experienced Mordecai's attitude, raised intense anger.
Moreover, when Mordecai found out that he was a Jew, he felt national contempt.
, and he thought that it would be light to kill only Mordecai.
The brutality of the general massacre of the Jewish people of the Proverbs 27:4
It was said, "Woman is cruel and savage like a spearman," but in his mind he was a Jew.
It is nothing, so the fate of the Jews is at last
It became a fire).
Daniel and his three friends in Babylon had a time like this.
In times like these, God provides and operates all these things behind the scenes.
will have to realize
3. Accusations of Jews against the King 7-11
Since it is the first month of the 12th year of the king, that is, the month of Nisan, it is April of 474 B.C.
turn on "Of Days and Months" refers to the days of the Jewish genocide in Persian superstition.
I chose a lucky day based on the "Adar month", so it is the month of March one year later.
get hit
It has been a long time since Haman decided the date of the massacre of the Jews by superstition.
Since you can afford it, Mordecai and Esther have come up with a countermeasure for this.
Mann failed because of their superstitious ideas.
Haman complained to the king, saying, "A nation is scattered among the people in every province of your kingdom.
They live here, but their laws are different from those of all the peoples, and they do not keep the laws of the king.
Don't let it go, make a decree and destroy them."
He said that he would provide ten thousand talents.
The king, ignorant of the details, thought it was right, and took the king's ring from his hand,
He gave it to him and told him to do what was good in his opinion.
4. Decree of the Genocide of the Jews 12-15
On the 13th day of the first month, the king's scribes were convened and, following Haman's orders, the king's ministers and
He issued a decree to kill the Jews in the name of the king on the princes of each province and the officials of each nation.
and write it according to the characters of each province and the language of each nation, and seal it with the king's ring.
I couldn't change it again.
On the 13th day of December, the month of Adar, all Jews, male and female, young and old,
He declared a slaughter order to kill, slaughter, annihilate, and even take their property.
All. In particular, the king's commander (驛卒) ordered the king to leave quickly.
He seems to be in a hurry to change his mind.
Conclusion: After declaring the decree to slaughter the Jews, the king sat down with Haman and had a drink.
They drank, and there was a great commotion in Susanseong. It seems that the plans of the wicked are always perfect
However, God changes it and accomplishes it according to His will.