Title: John 11:38-44 Lazarus, come out
: Jesus dealt with death and revealed his great power over death.
By overcoming death by facing the tomb of Lazarus, He showed that the believer's hope is not in vain.
Believers are raised from the dead. They are resurrected by the loud cry of the Lord's power.
1. Background: Jesus Confronts the Dead (38-39)
2. The Great Promise of Infinite Resting Faith (40)
3. A great prayer with a purpose (41-42)
4. The cry of the great power to overcome death (43-44)
1. Background: Jesus Confronts the Dead (38-39)
One). Jesus grieved inwardly
- Mary and Martha saw the suffering of their friends
- He felt the fear and bondage that death held upon Lazarus and all mankind.
- He was sensitively aware of his terrifying death, which was only a few days away.
With intense love for all who suffer, and with holy wrath and displeasure at death,
He was deeply grieved in his heart (John 11:33-36)
2). He met opposition from a believer.
① Some unbelievers may doubt that Lazarus was really dead
: "Move the stone." The tomb was the tomb of the rich man, and Lazarus had been buried for four days.
Martha says it is already rotten and smells.
② It was Martha who opposed it.
: On the contrary, there was distrust and anxiety.
She was content with Lazarus lying down to rest as he is now.
All he wanted was to be comforted. but now it's confusing
2. The Great Promise of Infinite Resting Faith (40)
Jesus challenged Martha's faith to make great strides.
: Jesus believes that she trusts without doubting ① Jesus’ judgment and will ② Jesus’ knowledge and understanding
③ He wanted us to trust the words and teachings of Jesus.
Jesus wanted Martha to put her trust in Him, to entrust her indefinitely, and to rest in her faith.
⊙ Infinite faith- rest
The believer enters into the rest of God, which is called infinite faith or resting faith.
① It is the rest of salvation and redemption
: To trust the Word of God is to accept (Isa 28:12, 30:15, Matt 11:28, Romans 5:1)
- the fact that man can truly be saved from sin, shame, death, and hell
- Man is freed from sin and the torments of conscience
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