Title: Jonah's Prayer/Jonah 2:1
Title: Jonah's Prayer
Bible: Jon 2:1
Jonah Disobeys God's Will and Flees Life's Terrible Storm
He is a representative character who fell into deep despair after meeting with
We can understand the deep truth from Jonah's cry of despair
(Main subject)
1. Prayer of Repentance
“Jonah prayed to the LORD his God from the belly of the fish and went
But I called to the LORD because of the afflictions I had suffered.
The Lord answered me, and I cried out in my belly, and the Lord
you have heard my voice The sea in the depths of the sea
I was thrown into the middle, and great waters surrounded me, and thy waves and great
All the waves have flowed over me. I say I pay attention
Even if I am driven out of sight, I will look to the temple of the Lord again.
did” (Jon 2:1-4).
1) It is not repentance.
2) It is not simply repentance.
3) It is a prayer of direction change.
“I said I would look at your temple again.”
2. Prayer of Faith
1) Jonah seen by others
2) Jonah he saw: Jonah 2:5-6 “Water surrounds me, but is it the soul
The depths have enveloped me, and the seaweed has lifted my head.
it's cheap I have gone down to the root of the mountain, and the earth has
You have blocked me for a long time with a bar, but the LORD my God
O Lord, you rescued my life from the pit."
3) Jonah that God saw - Faith is to pray according to this.
3. Sacrifice of thanks
1) Gratitude of faith.
2) vow
(Conclusion): The LORD commanded the fish, and he threw Jonah on dry land.
Hani. Our troubles are like fish. Jehovah
vomits us up when he commands. To do this, repent
We must offer a vow of faith and thanksgiving.