Title: Joyful dedication (1 Chronicles 29:10-19:)
Content There are many beautiful believers around us. We are deeply moved when we deal with their confessions of faith, prayers, and scents of life. A good testimony is a great encouragement to those around you. David is a prime example of such a person. His faith in the building of the temple also sets an example for generations to come. During the three thousand years after David, whenever temples were built around the world, David became the best model to encourage future generations. This man loved God. I loved it so much that I wanted to build the best temple. His thoughts are well expressed in 1 Chronicles 29:1-10 and teach us a great lesson.
2. David knew who the temple was for (v. 2). He clearly understood its purpose and understood by whom the fulfillment was to be made. It is said that the temple is not for man, but for God. “This temple is not for men, but for the Lord God.” (Verse 2) Ultimately, this temple is also for God. Man should not be glorified because of God's temple. Only the glory of God must be heard.
4. Everyone happily dedicated themselves to the temple of God. (Verses 3, 5, 6, 9, 14) There was a common attitude among the three groups of devoted persons. There was one attitude in common with the devotion of kings, leaders, and people. He said that he “dedicated himself with joy.” 1) He said, “I prepared it with all my might for the temple of my God.” 2) “I gave my forgiveness because I longed for the temple of God.” (verse 3) 3) “Who Will you be willing to give?” (v. 5)4) and the leaders said, “All of them gave freely.” (Verse 6)5) The people also "rejoiced in giving freely." (Verse 9) 6) So when King David saw this, he said, "I couldn't overcome my joy." We pray that the same joy may be found in us.7) Verse 14, "What is it that I and my people have the strength to give with such a joyful heart?"
6. The final prayer, "Let me build the temple with a sincere heart." (Verse 19) This is a prayer for Solomon. It is a prayer for all of us. Let's complete this temple with a sincere heart. After everyone made sacrifices for God's temple, everyone is rejoicing together. May this joy be ours. The joyous devotion of the people was also the Lord's work, and "Solomon's sincere heart" was also given by the Lord. He confesses that the last owner of the temple is God Himself and is praying to God. Beautiful King David, our eternal example, our example today. I pray that, following the example of David, the leaders and all the saints will experience great joy as they joyfully give for the completion of the parish. I look forward to giving you a lot of thanks and praise. Amen!