Title: Jude 01:20-25 Believers
Believers (Jude 1:20-25)
The word 'Christian' is a Chinese translation of the word 'Christ'. So, Christianity is Christianity. So, is it true that Christianity is exclusive? Christianity is not exclusive, isn't that exclusive to those who believe in Christ? Why should human exclusivity be attributed to the Lord?
It is recognizing and accepting that we are completely dependent on God. Believers should strive to pray. Is anyone too busy to pray? Such a person is the person to pray for. Other times I pray with my glasses on, but when I pray in the early morning, I take them off. It is better to take off my glasses because it is better to lie down and pray with my hands on my forehead. I took off my glasses and prayed like that for ten years, but I took them off without thinking. This morning, when I took off my glasses, I had this realization. "Yes. You have to take off your glasses when you pray. You have to take off your glasses to see better." People who do not have to wear glasses during prayer time to open their spiritual eyes
It is oil-free. When you see God, what if you are nearsighted and what if you are born? Take off your glasses. Take off your glasses that you can't see. And pray until you see God. True prayer is looking to God. Jacob was the man who prayed at the Jabbok River until Esau was seen as God. How much did Jacob cry out and pray to God, so that his enemy brother would appear to be God? When you pray, remember that God gives to everyone who asks, but he doesn't give everything you ask. God does not make a distinction between those who pray, but He does distinguish what we ask for.
In verse 21, “Keep yourself in the love of God,
Wait for the mercy of Jesus Christ.” Judas was ungodly in the last days.
Are you cautioning believers, because the hermits will walk according to their lusts?
C. It is harder to protect yourself than to protect others. living in God's love
If you don't, it will not be easy to protect yourself in this harsh world. not so
The most important mission of the late believer is the mission of salvation. number of losses