Title: Ladder reaching the sky
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Ladder reaching the sky 2002/7/25 (Thu)
The world we live in is, in a way, a survival game. It would not be an exaggeration to say that it is a competition to survive.
Esau and Jacob fought each other from the womb of their mother. A survival game was played in which they tried to come out first from the womb of their mother.
After Jacob received the birthright blessing from his father, his life seemed to be victorious. However, Jacob became a life of chase. He had to run away from Beersheba to Haran.
This is who we are. If we win the competition in this world, everything seems to be peaceful and happy, but for some reason we feel like we are constantly being chased. It seems like we have succeeded in something, but we feel like we are constantly being chased from somewhere.
In a way, our life is like Jacob. In order to survive in the struggle for survival, we lose our friends, our parents and siblings, and our neighbors.
When Jacob arrived at Bethel, it was a dark night. No one welcomed him. Loneliness overtook Jacob's heart. He ran hard to win the battle for survival, but all that was left was loneliness, loneliness, and deep night waiting for him.
However, when Jacob fell into a deep sleep, in a dream a ladder connected from earth to heaven. And angels of God were ascending and descending on it. It was a great experience for Jacob. it's a case
We hope that we too will have the same experience as Jacob. The reason Jacob gained new strength was because he saw a ladder reaching heaven in his dream. It confirmed that I was connected to God. The experience of the ladder reaching the sky is more precious. It is more important than anything else to confirm that I am now connected with God. The ladder is a symbolic tool where we meet with God. is a tool to
Many people in this world mistakenly think that if they win the competition for survival, they will be victors in life. However, the result is loneliness in the middle of the night. It is loneliness. We must have the experience of a ladder reaching the sky. I need to confirm that I am connected with God now. The experience of the ladder of heaven connected with God is a blessing to me.
The age we live in is like a battlefield where a survival game is being played to survive through infinite competition. However, the most important thing is the experience of the ladder reaching the sky, confirming that we are connected with God.
When Jacob experienced the ladder to heaven, God said, “I will not leave you until I have done all that I have promised you” (Genesis 28:15).
It is God's promise that I will never leave you wherever I go.
Dear saints, how busy are you to survive? How busy are you to succeed? How busy are you to climb? But stop what you are doing and think.