Title: Law and Grace (Galatians 3:23)
Many saints have built up their faith for a long time and become slaves to the law.
There are many people who lose their grace because of this. The law was originally
It was not given for the sake of human beings, but rather to point out and judge human sin.
it was given for Therefore, the law cannot be ascended by human power.
Those who commanded us to climb the impossible mountain top and were unable to climb
is to judge But grace is like a helicopter
Breaking the law by setting us free on the top of a mountain
is to win
(Main subject)
1. Origin of the Law
1) Age of Innocence/Adam 2) Age of Conscience/Cain and Abel
3) Age of the Patriarchs/Abraham, Isaac, Jacob 4) Age of Law/Moses, Israel
5) Age of Grace/Present 6) Age of Judgment/Seven Year Tribulation 7) Age of Millennial Kingdom
2. The law is the law of the Jews.
1) God gave the Ten Commandments as commandments in the Old Testament with Israel.
2) The law keeps no other flesh (Romans 3:19-20).
3) The law is a school teacher, a teacher of a young child.
(1) To realize that we are not justified by works of the law.
(2) Destroying human pride.
(3) that salvation can only be obtained through faith in Christ
3. The relationship between the grace of faith and the law
1) Salvation is by the grace of Christ, and the law is to live like a child of God.
2) The law given by Jesus in the New Testament: Love/Sabbath keeping
Give everything except the commandments.
3) Saturday Sabbath and our New Testament saints
(1) Saturday The Sabbath is the Old Testament law given to the Jews.
(2) Jesus, who established the new covenant, is not bound on the Sabbath on Saturday.
A. Jesus healed the sick on the Sabbath (Matthew 12:1-8).
B. New Testament saints are not bound by the Old Testament Sabbath.
C. We now keep Sunday (the day of the Lord's Resurrection).
(Conclusion): The Lord drove out the merchants from the temple, but the priests
They ate showbread in the temple. We do not trade.
It is not virtuous for the saints to go out to eat in worldly restaurants
It is provided by the church for actual expenses. Jesus in the wilderness
He did not allow the people to go back hungry. also state
Healing and eating are permitted even on the Jewish Sabbath.