Title (Thursday) Learn the Prayer of Jesus
Hymn: 482 "The Time of My Prayer"
Meditation: Are you practicing at least one of Jesus' prayers?
Confession of Faith: Apostles' Creed
Text: “Jesus got up before dawn and went out to a secluded place, where he prayed” (Mark 1:35-39).
Word: We live in a flood of knowledge and information. With the rapidly changing world, even our religious life is constantly searching for new things. The truth does not change, but we are living in a dangerous time when we try to change even the truth using a leather bag as an excuse. That's why we often miss priorities.
But even if you lose everything, you must hold on to Jesus. You must know Jesus deeply and make every effort to follow Him. Jesus set a great example for us.
First, he left an example of fasting and prayer (Matthew 4:1). Jesus' public ministry began with fasting and prayer. Jesus fasted and prayed for 40 days and took the first step in the ministry of the gospel.
Second, He left the pattern of early morning prayer (Mark 1:35). Early morning prayer played a very important role in the Korean church that experienced the history of global revival.
Third, He left the pattern of all-night prayer (Luke 6:12-13). When important things happened, Jesus went up the mountain alone. His walks are purely for prayer. He prayed all night and made an important decision. Jesus' all-night prayer gives us many challenges today.
Fourth, He left an example of praying continuously (Mark 9:28-29). We are well aware of what Jesus looked like when he prayed and came down from the Mount of Transfiguration. When the nine disciples were terrified because they could not cast out demons, Jesus simply cast out demons from the demon-possessed child with the word. Later, the disciples asked Jesus quietly. “Why couldn’t we cast out the demon?” (Mark 9:28) Jesus answers. “Such kind cannot go out by anything but prayer” (Mark 9:29). Jesus indirectly expresses that he cast out demons by the power of prayer, not because he was the Son of God.
Fifth, He left an example of bloody and sweaty prayer for the mission (Luke 22:44). Jesus went up to the Mount of Olives and prayed with blood and sweat before His mission of the cross. In order for each of us to fulfill our mission, prayer with blood and sweat must come first.
Prayer: Jesus went on the road of redemption to save us through constant fasting, early morning prayers, all-night prayers, and bloody and sweaty prayers. Let us learn the prayer habits of Jesus so that we can become more like you. I pray in Jesus name. Amen.
Lord's Prayer