Title: Lessons from the Passover/Exodus 12:11
Text: This is how you shall eat it, with a belt on your waist and sandals on your feet,
Take the staff in your hand and eat quickly, for this is the Lord's Passover (Exodus).
Word: There is no place for us to dwell on this earth forever. we have all seen
Because people are looking for incense. The people of Israel are the Passover Lamb
When they ate, they put sandals on their feet, a girdle around their waist, and a staff in their hand.
By eating hastily, as one who is about to depart, escape from calamity,
You can get liberation. The Passover is the celebration of the people of Israel in the land of Egypt.
It was the day on which he was released, and it means that God overcame the tribulation.
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All. The Israelites killed a lamb and put its blood on the doorposts and on the left and right sides.
In that time, the praise of God surpassed that house, and every other house
Because he killed the first offspring of horses and cattle. We believe that the people of Israel celebrate the Passover
You can learn an important lesson in faith from eating sheep's meat.
Many church members today do not experience the Passover while going back and forth.
I can't. So pain does not leap over us, despair and sin
From evil and the devil we do not have the great power to be set free. why that
Shall I? Because when we accept the Passover Lamb, Jesus Christ,
Just like the people of Israel, if God calls you at any time, you will return to heaven.
Rather than accepting it as an existential attitude to go towards
because it is accepted as Like many people will live on this earth for a thousand or ten thousand years
He thinks that building his castle and believing in Jesus are just accessories.
But we are all leaving. Leave but when will we leave this world
It's more urgent because you don't know the day or time when you're leaving. at any time
When God calls you, you have to leave whether you like it or not. So we always end up
that is living
The Israelites waited for God's command (leave) and were ready to leave.
Standing ready, they hastily ate the lamb's meat. likewise we
Even when we believe in Jesus, we will go to the throne of God at any time through the blood of Jesus.
must be believed and accepted with determination. There is no city where you will live forever on this earth.
And the place we should go is heaven, and the purpose of the rest of the world is
It consists in serving God, and that is the only value of life. of this life
Only attitude can bring us true happiness.
Prayer: We thank God for always being with us. We are Jesus
Help me to live a life that is renewed every day and that changes day by day through the blood of Jesus.
book. You have said that they are light and salt, so that we may live as they are.
saucer. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Wholehearted prayer: for a godly life
Lord's Prayer