Title: Let's be filial / Exodus 20:12
Content Let's be filial / Exodus 20:12
Pastor Ki-Pung Sung
Parents are the givers of life.
He is the one who gave life more precious than the world.
Therefore, you should be filial to your parents.
filial piety
1. Respect your parents.
Exodus 20:12 - Honor your father and mother.
(Ephesians 6:2) Honor thy father and mother, for this is the first commandment with promise.
The first commandment is the supreme commandment.
The first thing a person should do is honor their parents.
*Seamus (Author of Romance) - He said, "Honoring one's parents is the first law of nature."
One day, a disciple named Freedom asked Confucius about filial piety, and Confucius said that filial piety was not just to take care of yourself, but to honor your parents.
Children should honor your parents.
This is filial piety.
2. Obedience to parents.
(Ephesians 6:1) Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.
He said that it is right for children to obey their parents in the Lord.
It is right to obey your parents and you must obey them.
In Genesis 22, the son Isaac, whom Abraham had at the age of 100, was to be offered as a burnt offering on Mount Moriah.
When Isaac obeyed all his father's deeds.
Filial obedience to parents is filial piety.
3. Listening to your parents
(Proverbs 23:22) Be obedient to the father who bore you.
Filial piety is to obey your parents.
There is no harm in children listening to their parents.
Because parents want their children to be the best in the world
The people who want me to do well in this world are my parents.
My parents want me more than anyone.
Therefore, you should listen carefully to your parents.
this is filial piety
4. It's about making your parents happy.
Proverbs 23:25 Rejoice your father and mother, and the mother who gave birth to you.
Making your parents happy is filial piety
Elder Kim Pyong-il of Canaan Agricultural School announced the 10 commandments that made his parents happy.
1) Make your parents have faith ② Answer well and listen carefully
③ Brighten facial expression ④ Answer questions ⑤ Provide ample pocket money
⑥ Serve hometown food often ⑦ Make your appearance beautiful ⑧ Find a job
⑨ Make sure you see your friends often ⑩ Scratch your back often
5. Conclusion
filial piety
It is to honor your parents.
It's about obeying your parents.
It's about obeying your parents.
It's about making the nanny happy.
All these filial piety should be done while you are alive.
When you die, you can't do filial piety.
What is the meaning of the Eucharist for dead parents?
Dear saints,
I hope that you will be filial to your parents while they are still alive.
If you do, God will bless you.
Exodus 20:12 Honor your father and mother, so that you may live long in the land the LORD your God is giving you.