Title: Let's Be Fully Armed (Ephesians 6:11)
As children of God, we, the saints, have a hostile relationship with the devil. The life of faith is a life of battle against the devil. Since the devil is a spirit creature, it cannot be seen with the naked eye. The devil hides his identity and uses our various greed to use all sorts of clever tricks to make us sin and lead us to destruction. The war against the devil must be won. Victory follows glory, defeat follows destruction.
To overcome the devil, you need spiritual armament. Unarmed soldiers are powerless and defeated by the enemy. Spiritual arming is putting on the full armor of God. There are six types of full armor of God. The first is "the belt of truth." The devil goes against the truth and uses crafty tactics to disobey. It can be seen from the craftiness of the serpent that tempted Eve in the Garden of Eden. Let us absolutely obey the Word of God, who is the truth.
The second is "the breastplate of righteousness". The devil tempts us to live with unrighteous thoughts and hearts. We must cast away the corrupt, corrupt, and sinful life and strive to lead a holy, true, and good life. Third, he is the God of the Gospel. The devil makes us worship idols that are not worthy of the gospel, worship vain foreign gods, and make us work in vain with various foolish customs and traditions. We must always watch and pray, study the Bible, and strive for good deeds, and strive for a life like a citizen of the kingdom of heaven.
The fourth is "the shield of faith". The devil is an unbelieving spirit. It leads them to doubt so as not to believe, and to believe in false and vain things. We must solve all things with confident faith without doubt, and defend against all trials and tribulations by using faith as our shield.
Fifth is "Helm of Salvation". The devil denies the afterlife and falsely tempts us to succeed by acquiring temporal, physical, physical, and temporal things. Our members must not be shaken by looking at the glory of the afterlife because the hope of salvation is certain. The sixth is "Sword of the Spirit". The devil is afraid of the word of God and distorts it. When you use the word as a sword to attack the devil, the devil retreats.
The above six armaments are to be equipped by praying in the Holy Spirit without fail.
If you don't have any of the six things, you will be defeated by the devil who cleverly breaks through the loopholes and attacks you.
Let's be fully armed and become a warrior of faith who can win 100 battles against the enemy devil.
Put on the full armor of God in order to be able to resist the schemes of the devil (Ephesians 6:11)