Title: Let's Bear the Fruit of Godliness
Let us bear the fruit of godliness (2 Peter 1:5-10)
The text is a letter from Peter on the arms of a Christian. Peter left a message to the believers with a foreboding that he might be put to death soon. Verse 12 tells us to stand in the truth as Christians. The eight items of participation in the divine nature begin with faith, lead to godliness, and add to love. Let us reflect broadly and deeply about what we think of godliness here.
Acts 17:4 says that a godly person accepts the word of God, Acts 8:2 says that he is a person who serves, Acts 10:2 gives alms, and Luke 2:37 says that he prays. Specifically, in James 1:26, he is careful with his words, in John 9:31, he does the will of the Lord, and in 2 Peter 3:11, it is recorded as a person who longs for the day of God .
The Bible also explains the path to godliness. In 2 Timothy 3:14 it is the word of God, in 1 Samuel 1:11 it is through parenting, and in 1 Timothy 2:1 it is prayer.
It is also said that godliness must come through training. 1 Timothy 4:7 tells us to practice attaining godliness; 2 Timothy 2:16 tells us to put away vain and vain speech; 1 Timothy 6:11 exhorts us to pursue godliness; Titus 2:11 tells us to hope for the second coming of Christ. also did