Title: Let's do our best
let's do our best
Joshua 8:1-9 (Rev 329)
“The LORD said to Joshua, “Do not be afraid, do not be dismayed.
Get up and go up to Ai with all your troops. Behold, I have given the king of Ai and his people and his city and all his land into your hand.” (Joshua 8:1)
He removed the discouragement from Joshua's heart and told him not to be afraid, but to have courage and go up again to fight. Believe that God can turn discouragement into courage.
A person who is discouraged is a sign of lack of faith. that he has turned his back on God. There is shame or apology that deserves to bow to God. They turn their backs on God, live displeased with God, anger God, and say that they have entrusted them to God, but they are holding on to those concerns.
Disappointment is such a terrifying enemy for believers. The only way to overcome it is to hold fast to the promises God has given you.
No one likes to fail, but no one does not experience failure. Our lives saved by believing in Jesus are fighting a battle that has already been won
are people
“But in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us” (Romans 8:37).
What we need to know through today's text is that God is fighting the same war.
It is the fact that sometimes they are with you, and sometimes they leave you alone. The first war was abandoned in Ai, and the second was with them.
The first war did not pray to God, and the second war was entrusted to God in prayer. Are we living in the world and living a full life that God will be with us? Or trust our wisdom, experience, strength and ability to live without God
are there? If you believe and obey God's faithfulness in your life and spiritual battles in this world, you will eventually be victorious.
Joshua's ability to destroy Jericho and Ai was not the only reason. It's not because there are too many people. It's not even a good war weapon. work is meticulous
Not because I did it. It was because he had faith and obedience to depend on God.
God looks at the ‘center’, not the person, background, academic background, or possessions.
“The LORD said to Samuel, “Do not look at his appearance or stature; I have forsaken him; I do not look like a man; a man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart” (1 Samuel 16:7).
Believe that no matter how powerful a person is, he or she can be used preciously only by being held by God. No matter how valuable it is, it will depend on who you use it for. Anyone can play the piano and organ. The question is what kind of sound it makes. The value varies depending on who hits it. Therefore, we must live in the hands of God.
God works together for good to those who are called according to His purpose. However, God is not with the lazy person who sits still, idles, and tries to take the results of the sweat of others as his own. You have to do your best and aim for the best. you must do your best Living a life that is in harmony with God's heart must be a life that will be evaluated by the world as 'a very sincere person and a person who does his best'.
- Almighty God! Teach us how to live and how to fight the war of life through the two wars that Joshua and the Israelites attacked the city of Ai. Amen