Title: Let's Do Our Best in Prayer
Content Acts chapter 1 has a clear continuum: “Promise -> Prayer -> Fulfillment.” In Acts 1:5 and 8, Jesus gave his disciples a promise. In verse 14, the disciples answered the promise in prayer. And in 2:1 verse 1, the promise was fulfilled. As such, whenever there is a revival in the history of the church, prayer always precedes the work of the Holy Spirit. Prayer is the link between promise and fulfillment. That promise will remain as it is, unless we pray.
Do you have this promise? What is the promise? What should I do if I have this appointment? Prayer. We need to focus on prayer. So how should we pray?
1. We must pray the prayer of faith.
When God gives promises, He wants us to respond with faith. Abraham became the father of many nations because he believed in God's promise. The Israelites could not enter the Promised Land because they did not believe in God's promise. But Joshua and Caleb believed and went in. There is no greater answer than faith. Therefore, the disciples gathered together with the word of the Lord's promise and prayed a prayer of faith. Brothers and sisters, we too must hold on to the Lord's promise and pray of faith. “The prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up, and if he has committed any sins, he will be forgiven” (James 5:15).
2. We must pray together.
“Be of the same mind with women and with Mary the mother of Jesus and with the brothers of Jesus”
The disciples gathered in Mark’s upper room prayed “with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus and the brothers of Jesus of one accord.” Soon we prayed together. They became one in the mission of evangelism (Acts 1:22). They are united in the same promise of the Lord. And we became one in prayer. Then the promise was fulfilled. Likewise, if we pray together, we will see the fulfillment of our promises. “Again, I tell you the truth, if two of you agree on earth to ask for anything, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven” (Matthew 18:19).
3. Continue to pray.
“He devoted himself to prayer”
The disciples devoted “everything in prayer.” “To put all effort into” means “to have a strong conviction in a certain direction”. It refers to perseverance, perseverance, steadfastness, and determination to get things done. They prayed extraordinary to receive the power of the Holy Spirit, the promise of God. It is a prayer with all your heart. It is a prayer of patience. Without these prayers, revival will never happen. Hudson Taylor said, “As the Holy Spirit was manifested in power on the day of Pentecost, the power of the Holy Spirit is still valid today. Today we must work desperately to be empowered with new abilities.” We also need to pray for Happy Day 517. Let's pray with all our heart. Let's pray for patience.