Title: Let's live as a happy couple.
Title: Let's live as a happy couple. Text: 1 Corinthians 7:1-5
The existence of a wife says that it is necessary to hear the confession of love in three hundred and sixty-five ways for 365 days. On the other hand, the existence of a husband is always like a child. So, what you expect and ask of your wife always expects to be praised. So it's easy to think of a man as a compliment-hungry animal. Proverbs 17:14, “The beginning of a quarrel is like a leak in a dam; the quarrels will be put to an end before they arise. Being a husband is not something that can be changed by scratching. Married life is simple, even if it seems complicated. Married life is easy even if it seems difficult. The body grows by eating rice, but the soul grows by feeding on the word of God and the milk of love. Therefore, we must express our love and express it again and again as the opportunity arises.
1. We must not forget that a married couple is one flesh.
2. You need to know that people are inseparable.
3. It is a relationship where we fulfill our obligations to each other.
1 Corinthians 7:3 What are our obligations to each other? It is to fulfill the sacred duty of marriage to each other. You must fulfill the obligations you swore when you were married. You must fulfill your duties with your wife and husband as told in the Bible. It is fulfilling your duty to maintain physical purity. It is fulfilling the etiquette that a married couple should observe in the order of creation created by God. It is fulfilling our duty as helpers to each other. Married couples were created not as rulers and subordinates, but as helpers. Genesis 2:18 “And the LORD God said, It is not good for a man to be alone; I will make him a helper matchmaker.” That's why the helping partner will never be disappointed in any case. I think the more you discover what the other person lacks, the more work you have to do. That's why I put more effort into helping my husband fill in the shortcomings of his wife and help him. There are no shortcuts in married life. We should always follow the teachings of the Word and walk the right way, helping and loving each other.
4. Your body is not yours.
1 Corinthians 7:4 The apostle Paul said that in a marriage, one's body should be governed by the authority of the other spouse. A husband has the right to his wife's body. A wife also has rights over her husband's body. Married men and women cannot use their bodies as they please. The husband's body belongs to the wife, and the wife's body belongs to the husband. Ephesians 5:23 “For the husband is the head of his wife, just as Christ is the head of the church, who is the Savior of the body.”