Title: Let's Sell Love
“Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God. Jesus answered and said, "Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah. Flesh and blood have not revealed this to you, but my Father who is in heaven. And I say to you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.” <Matthew 16:16-18>
Now, with applause, we give glory to our Lord. Our Lord was traveling with his disciples and he asked the most important question. “Who do you say I am?” We want you to believe that life is not governed by ‘what’ and ‘how’, but by whom. The ‘what’ is the vegetative stage. The ‘how’ is the animal stage. But life is governed by ‘who’. Even if you don't have anything, if you meet someone well, everything will happen. Beloved, the three ways of life are 'what are you doing' and 'who are you'. My life is determined by someone. Trendy songs are what people like, but there are no popular songs for ‘what’ or ‘how’. All popular songs are ‘who’. Because this ‘who’ determines everyone’s life.
All of God's divine nature is contained in all things that God has created. It is included in both shamanistic and popular songs. The Word of God is alive in every corner of the workplace and market. Why is ‘who’ important? Eastern thought is centered on ‘who’. Confucianism, Muhammad, etc. It is a way of dealing with people. The West is ‘what’. How do you… What are the elements? What Western people made, etc., cause war. In our lives, there is nothing but fighting when we say ‘what and what’. People are everything that determines my life. A person is made up of ‘what structure’ and ‘who structure’. The human body is the outer man, that is, what structure. And how do we breathe, eat and drink? This is like animal rescue. Therefore, if we live in a certain structure, we are like animals. According to Jesus Engineering, it is human rescue that overcomes animals.
Anyone in the NUGU structure is the inner person. Who is inside us. Who enters our lives. By whoever I am, I will overcome the outward person. So you can put up with the cold and hunger if you meet a loved one or something good happens. Even if we starve together, the inner person overcomes the person next to us. Love is the structure of the inner person. Love wins over the outsider. defeat death. Our body structure and our life structure are made up of an inner person and an outer person. The inner man is the structure of love, and the outer man is the material structure. If you are full of love structure, you can overcome the external person and win. The spirit overcomes the disease. “The spirit of a man is able to overcome sickness, but if the spirit is broken, who can bring it up?” (Proverbs 18:14)
Faith overcomes tribulation. To win means to get rid of problems, not to get rid of all the problems of the world. The world has 666 material structure. Married life is more complicated than living alone. Therefore, if you continue to live in a structure where you live alone, you will be disbanded. Marriage is a confirmation of love. When I'm sad or when I'm hungry. Old or sick...will you love me? Is there a love that can be overcome by love? is. It is not material things that solve the outer person in life. This is important. The essence of life is love. Not an animal, not a sense. That is, a sense of belonging in love. This is what determines our life. We have strong bodies, we don't study well, we have pretty faces, we're ugly, we're poor, we're rich... But some people get through it well, some people have a hard time... Love is the selling point.
Depending on whether there is love or not, it is to repair the arm. I pray that you will correct your love without being pressed by material or environment. What is important is love, that is, the inner person enters into me, and if someone less than me enters into me, it will trouble me and make my sales worse. It's a problem because someone who came in because of my husband because of my children torments me. My life depends on who comes in. If another family member comes in, the sales will change. When a baby is born, the baby enters the heart and becomes a lump. A person's life is changed by the person with the blessing in it. But everyone has problems. When a person enters, the problem also comes with that person, so the problem cannot be solved by the people of this world. So, most of the love songs are about parting and pain. It means that the other person can come in and be happy temporarily, but also come in with other problems.
But since love is nature, we can't avoid it. What everyone in this world needs is money, not land, but people. He is a completely pollution-free person. All that everyone needs is a whole person. Even if you have money and material things, nothing will be solved. If love doesn't come in, it all goes away. Samson also fell in love with love. Even Adam fell in love with it. The solution of all problems requires a whole person to come into me. When you love that person, everything changes.
The nation that realized this is Israel. The Romans built the Arc de Triomphe, the bridges, etc. The Greeks used the philosophy Babylon Oil from Iraq... This is where the Garden of Eden was. Probably, the trees and animals buried during Noah's Flood all seem to have turned into oil. Rivers such as the Nile, Egypt, etc... But to Israel, God did not give them rivers or philosophy, but people. God gave Israel a man, a man sent by God, who was the Christ the Messiah. Israel is a mountainous country that is only as small as Gangwon-do, but he said that it would become an outstanding nation among all nations. What we know is that there is no environment or stock purchases like in Israel, but God made people to be blessed.
We are blessed as people, not material things. It doesn't matter whether the body is weak or ill, but if only an intact person enters a person, he will overcome poverty, sadness, and any circumstances. By believing in Jesus, we can overcome poverty and sickness. Give thanks to God who always gives you victory. Old age does not make you younger, but you can overcome disease with aging, and have hope in God, praise the Lord with your mouth, confess your faith with your mouth, wave your hands in praise and give thanks. We overcome sickness as much as we clap our hands, and Christ makes us overcome poverty and sorrow. Clap your hands, rejoice, and always offer sacrifices of praise. The Apostle Paul overcame the prison environment in Philippi. Miracles happen when we win. As I praise you every day, I pray that you will overcome through Christ in me and see salvation every day.
Clap your hands hard, and your inner person will be filled as much as your feet roll and move with your body. Move your eyes and wave your hands as if you were wrinkle-free in front of your loved one. Worship is arguing before God. Waving and waving hands and feet because I like it, that is why my inner person overcomes sickness and sorrow. Through that love, sickness can be overcome, poverty can be overcome, and old age can be overcome with love. God is love. That is how the inner man overcomes the outer man. Lord, the perfect God became a man and came into my heart! They call on the Lord by waving their hands, clapping their hands, and rolling their feet and calling out. The Lord has given us great salvation! Thank you Lord for overcoming everything. It is to glorify the glory of grace that is freely given.
When you not only receive love, but respond with love, your inner person blooms. Only then will you achieve complete love. So God is praised and worshiped. It is receiving prayer. God listens to make it bloom with love. How ridiculous is the sound of my prayers? But it is to go on so that we may bloom with love. Hearing with love. God blessed us as a human being, but Jesus Christ, who came as God as a man, came as a King. He was given to Israel as king.
It's a person, but it's the one above. We are blessed through those above. who is above It is only through the person above that the person below comes into being. It was rationed by the husband of the person above. You must take it well. It doesn't matter whether I like it or not, it's a blessing in itself. The person above me honors me. Respect is only when there are many people below you to be honored. What makes us high is to have a lot of people below. A woman wants to be proud of having many children. Men are their own subordinates. Soldiers also had subordinates, and because they took good care of their superiors, they had subordinates corresponding to them. If you serve the Lord well, you will be counted as the Lord's sheep. When you go up to the boss or manager, you have to be loyal from below to assign subordinates.
People are greedy to be exalted, but they do not know the wisdom of being elevated. Satan has no one below because he has no superior. When Satan comes, they all run away. Even a shaman does not serve a ghost