Title: Life-and-death clothing (Deuteronomy 3)
Life and death clothes depend on God. But it is determined by God who sees people's lives. Then, do people's choices and lives affect God's blessings and curses?
First of all, there is a premise. That is, the background of the words of Deuteronomy is the word of God given to the chosen Israel. Ultimately, God's blessings are for the chosen saints. Therefore, it is different from the principle of causality and retribution in the world, and God's blessing for any good deeds is not guaranteed unless we serve the only God.
The second premise is that salvation and grace are not retributions for human good works.
It is selectively given by the absolute sovereignty of God. That is why all the saints are basically those who are receiving God's wonderful blessings.
The reward that Israel receives by believing only in God is to enjoy the grace that overflows in their choices.
In modern life, Deuteronomy still shows the precious standard of faith and guarantees valid promises of blessing.
However, beyond the horizon of the Old Testament, it must be expanded into the concept of blessing newly opened in the New Testament era. As in the days of the Old Testament, temporal and material blessings are given to people of faith. However, those who share in the sufferings of Christ and give up the comforts of this earth for the sake of the eternal world are sharing in a greater blessing. Therefore, the blessings of the saints cannot be measured by the world's standards. However, what is certain is that we serve only God, and when our lives are bowed down before the foundation for Him, God rewards us more than we give.
Life, death, fire, and blessing are from God.
Life and blessings are chosen by God, but His standards are ours to choose. The key is to love and serve the Lord God with all your heart and with all your soul.