Title: Life and Winds and Waves (2014.3.16)
Date: 2014. 3. 16
Word: Mark 4:35-41
Title: Life and Winds
Many people say this world is the same, and life is called one-leaf pyeonju. It is said that the skills will be learned and, furthermore, the value and purpose of life will be found right away.
First of all, it is a question of who Jesus is. This event shows that Jesus is Lord of lords, ruling even the wind and waves. The Lord is the God who stopped the floating sun and made a hundred days matte. He is the God who casts out and divides the seas. Jesus is the Lord who is with us and protects us. He called Jesus, who came into the world, Immanuel.
What does the text teach us through storms and waves?
It is the storm that made people seek Jesus Christ. The storm that occurred here on the Sea of Galilee made the disciples search for Jesus. It is said that it is a storm that makes people seek the Almighty Jesus Christ.
They came to know Jesus Christ right away. They vaguely followed Jesus, and their confessions were perhaps only temporary and momentary. They confessed a few times, mainly with Peter, but they certainly did not believe that Jesus was the Messiah. Now the disciples Through these storms and waves, we come to know again and realize who Jesus is. He is the God who creates and rules the entire universe, and the Lord who saves and protects us.
It is a storm that made us completely believe in Jesus Christ. Only the Lord can save us from the storm and make a safe sailing. The Sea of Galilee is rarely quiet. There are always big and small waves in our life. When you seek the Lord.