Title: Life at the wheel
Text: Luke 9:18-24
Title: Life at the Steering Wheel
Who do we entrust our lives to? Doing so is very important. If we interpret Peter's confession today, we can say: 'From now on, I will hand over the steering wheel of my life to Jesus!' But as soon as Peter surrenders everything to Jesus and hands over the steering wheel, he says something very disturbing. 'The Son of Man must suffer many things, and be rejected by the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and on the third day be raised up.' He makes a shocking announcement that he will go down the path of The disciples say they are going down a path they never expected.
In other words, we declare that you will drive on dirt roads, steep mountain roads, cliffs, and thorny roads. What should we do when we see Jesus like a reckless driver? Should I take the steering wheel? Should we withdraw our confessions and promises? Or should I jump into the vehicle Jesus is driving? no. Even when we leave the Lord at the wheel, we can sometimes face unexpected difficulties. Sometimes they suffer from unexpected diseases, fail in business, suffer from hardships in life, struggle at work, and stumble in relationships. There are times in our lives when the road does not open up contrary to our expectations and expectations.
Today the Lord earnestly asks of us. “Leave me at the wheel of your life and follow me no matter what!” In verse 23, Jesus makes two requests. One is to deny yourself, and the other is to take up your cross daily and follow. The Lord promises in verse 24: 'Whoever wants to save his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will save it.' Sometimes the way the Lord leads us may seem uneasy to our eyes, but in the end, the Lord leads us to the path of salvation and life. He does. I hope that all of us will become one in the cross while fully trusting and relying on the Lord, enjoy deep communion with the Lord, and lead a blessed life following Him.