Title: Life of Love/Proverbs 11:24-28
Content: Life of Love/Proverbs 11:24-28
Key Verse: “He who loves alms will have abundance, and he who refreshes others will be refreshed” (verse 25).
Word: Among the gospel songs, there is a song like this. “Love is really throwing away / throwing away / throwing away / love is really throwing away / not having more / it's strange, grab a coin and it disappears / spend and lend it and it becomes abundant / Oh! Love is really throwing away / throwing away / throwing away / love is really throwing away / not having more” This is a hymn that speaks paradoxically to modern people who are ruled by the god of money, Mammon. Last year, the number one search term for internet sites was ‘lotto’. Thousands of people are dreaming of a one-week dream while dreaming of one day at a time. However, it is the life of modern people that becomes even more futile when these 'maybe' become 'really'. When a person is born, they clench their fists and are born to possess something, but when they die, they leave with nothing. Look at God's Word to us today. He says, “He who loves alms will have abundance, and he who refreshes others will be refreshed.”
In the 21st century, we are living in cutting-edge science and medicine. The quality of life and the average life expectancy of human beings continue to rise. However, on the other hand, we live in a scene of historical irony, where countless people die in the fear of war, and people who lose the meaning of life jump out of their apartments and commit suicide by jumping into the subway. The times we live in now are both the best times and the worst times.
God says “Cursed is the people who do not bring forth grain” (Proverbs 11:26). Also, verse 28 warns us, “He who trusts in his riches will perish.”
Dear children of the Lord! Let's share the love of the Lord in the field of our lives. The way to repay even one billionth of the love that the Lord bore for us on the cross is for us to live a life of love and share that love. Small alms and services that others do not know are truly beautiful and pleasing to God. Instead of avoiding what God wants us to do, we must live a life of practice. These are the words God gives us today.
Prayer: Loving Lord, since we have received the love of the precious blood that You shed for us on the cross of Calvary, from now on, claim us to share that love and live a life that repays the grace. In the name of Jesus our Christ, we pray. Amen.
Lord's Prayer