Title: Living by the Grace of God (2012.10.28)
Date: 2012.10.28
Word: 1 Kings 19:1-8
Title: Living by God's Grace
We can find two contrasting aspects of God's amazing grace and Elijah through Elijah, a prophet of great power in the text.
We find ourselves in two contrasting figures of Elijah.
Maybe there are times when we find ourselves in a double or triple different form and surprise ourselves.
The figure of Elijah shown on Mount Carmel and the figure of Elijah who fell exhausted under the rosemary tree!!!
Which one is the real Elijah?
The figure of Elijah shown on Mount Carmel was a man of God with great power.
Elijah, exhausted and weary under the rosemary tree, is a weakness that cannot be understood.
Which one is the real Elijah?
So is David.
We can taste the amazing grace of God in the text.
Saints are those who live by the grace of God.
Through that grace, you have received a new life, and through His grace, you become a conqueror.
He was seen as a God of amazing power on Mount Carmel.
He appeared to Elijah as a wonderful God of comfort under the Beersheba rosemary tree.
He is the God who makes the weakness strong.
No matter how great our prophets may be, we are all fundamentally weak.
In life, no one can help but be humble in the face of failure and death.
It shows that God is a God of rewriting.
In God's mountain, Mount Horeb, we see God's mercy in reusing Elijah, a weak and failing man.
God comforts Elijah and flees to Mount Horeb.
Although he was a great prophet, he lost all his calling and mission and stood on the path of a weak loser who wanted to die lonely.
right now! The amazing hand of God's grace came to him.
It is not our strength and talent that we live, but only the grace of God.