Title: Love beyond measure / Romans 8:26-39
Romans 8 is sometimes called the diamond of the chaff.
That is why God's love is so powerfully portrayed here.
The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit love us and work together for our salvation.
What is the problem we face, and how does the Triune God work for our salvation?
Our Problems and the Love of the Triune God
1. The Holy Spirit who helps in weakness (26-28)
1) We are soft earthenware.
- Weak to the temptation of sin.
- Fear of tribulation and persecution.
- You are weak, so you may not know what to look for.
2) The Holy Spirit helps us.
- He groans with us with groanings unspeakable.
- He intercedes for us.
- The Holy Spirit knows the thoughts of God and works together for good.
2. God meets all our needs (31-32)
1) We need countless things: clothing, food, shelter, health, and children.
- Look at the cross every time.
- What would the one who gave the most precious only son to spare?
2) When we are in trouble, think of God's love for giving us his only son.
3) When you pray, pray, "Father who gave you the only Son."
- If you haven't received it, there must be a good reason.
- If God does not give it, the reason is because of love.
3. Jesus died for the forgiveness of sins (933-34)
1) Many people do not understand, but the forgiveness of sins is certain.
- American philosopher Emerson: "Great things are not understood."
- God declares us righteous in Christ.
2) To declare righteous does not mean to never sin again.
- Even if you commit a sin, the declaration of righteousness is valid.
- Even if you sin, your status as a child of God does not change.
- Even if the child is upset, the father is the father.
- Such a child makes the heart of the parent more painful and sad.
3) Then how should we live?
- We should not be proud because we did not achieve salvation.
- I must not despair of my sinfulness.
- Because God loves me more than my sins.
- Nothing can accuse us.
4. God’s love to protect us from tribulation (35-37)
1) We can be tested.
- Suffering, suffering, persecution, hunger, nakedness, danger, sword...
- Sometimes you may be treated like a sheep being led to the slaughterhouse.
2) But victory is certain.
- Because there is someone who loves us.
- Nothing can separate you from his love.
I heard the testimony of a deacon. One day, his thyroid suddenly swelled and he felt like he was going to die. At first, he blamed God and even doubted the existence of God. But in the end, he had no choice but to rely on God alone. He continued to pray and cling to the Lord, and now he is completely healed. He said that through this work, he realized God's love and his faith grew.
The life of faith means to realize God's love even through tribulation and to live in awe of that love. We are afflicted with our weakness and sometimes our faith is shaken, but through these things, God increases our faith. Nothing can separate us from His love.
(Romans 8:38) For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers (Romans 8:39), neither height nor depth, nor any other creature, have made us the God in Christ Jesus our Lord I will never be able to separate from the love of