Title: Love is Beautiful! (Acts 20:35-38)
"Who said love is beautiful?" There was a song with a phrase of lamentation. That's right. The love that the singer sang might not be beautiful. This is because it is a love that is meant to be received immediately, a conditional love, and a selfish love. But the true love that the Lord of love taught me is truly beautiful. The true love of Agape, which is generously given, shared, given, and served, is beautiful.
1. 'Given Love' is beautiful.
Not all love between the sexes is not beautiful. A love that truly cares and respects, a love that gives generously is beautiful. Father's love and mother's love are beautiful. Brotherly love is also beautiful if it is true love. The love between friends, like the love between friends in "praying hands", is truly beautiful. Because it is the love that everyone gives. In particular, as the text says, “He worked so hard to help the weak…” (verse 35), love to help the weak is truly beautiful. Love to help and give even small things for neighbors in need is beautiful.
2. Since you received it for free, you must give it freely.
Today, around us, we are full of dirty and ugly things that come from saying that we only want to receive, and since they don't give it to us, even if we take it away, we will make our own. Politics and economics are endless battles for stealing. They do not hesitate to conspire and betray to steal. But the Lord, who came to give us everything freely, said, "Freely you have received, freely give." (Matthew 10:8) He says. What we received is already too great. I got 10,000 talents. However, if you do not give 100 denarii to others, you will be judged as foolish and heartless. The church must be a giving church. The saints must also become the giving saints. I have to share what I have. Material is also given to you. The body was also given to you. It was given to us to use our time, health, and talents to help others. Above all else, we must share the love of God things for the soul, the eternal, the perfect, and the spiritual.
3. Love is 'more than beauty'.
The Lord Himself says, 'It is blessed to give.' 'Giving' is not a dimension of beauty, but a dimension beyond that, 'the dimension of blessing'.
"Give! And it will be given to you, and I will give it to you, pressed down, shaken, and overflowing." (Luke 6:38) This is the Lord's promise. That's right. Giving is not only beautiful in the eyes of others, but also being moved and receiving blessings from God. If you give, you receive. This is God's law, the source of blessing. There are our neighbors who are hurt by this flood. Let's enjoy the blessing of sharing the love of the Lord with them.