Title: Love of Neighbor / John 13:34
Contents: 1994.4.4. Evening John 13:34 Neighbor Love
There is no such thing as joy when we are loved by others. However, the fact that we love others will double the joy and will give us a feeling of happiness that is unparalleled. Because I love others, I feel happy when I see them happy. After the mother bathes the baby and sees the baby cool, the mother will have the happiest moment. At this time, the mother will have neither desire nor desire.
Those who love others with such a pure heart will be satisfied with the love they give.
However, the human heart, polluted with sin, desires only to receive love rather than to give it, and always thinks of it as a competitive relationship in relationships with neighbors, and is happy by owning a higher position or more than that of neighbors, so it is abnormal. So, as in our proverb, 'When your cousin buys land, your stomach hurts', you don't see people doing well, but you see that they have an evil personality that fancies them by pretending to stop them from fighting.
But I think the problem is that we, as lesser Christians, are not willing to bear it or even try to do it.
We sing praises, brothers and friends, who are one body under one blood. Ladies and gentlemen, it is true that we became one body through one blood. It is true regardless of whether we feel it or not, and this must be a fact that God is heartbreaking.
If a parent has several children, and among them, the eldest son is living well, but the third son is having a difficult life, he will want the eldest son to help the third son. But how much heartache would your parents feel if your brothers did not help and you were not at peace with each other?
I think the heart of Jesus is like this. What Jesus wants is love as a neighbor, rather than love.
He wants you to love him as a brother. In other words, he wants you to live as a more responsible person for your neighbors.
We learn many lessons from Jesus' parable of the good Samaritan. We refer to this parable as the parable of the good Samaritan.
But Jesus didn't say he was a good Samaritan, he just said, "A certain Samaritan came there while he was traveling." Jesus did not call him good.
How is it? He is not a good butler. just a butler
This is a story that shows how normal people suffer rather than in an abnormal society.
Also, this is a story that shows that a person who lives according to the values of Jesus in today's values is seen as an abnormal person.
If you are a believer, you should praise those who do what you should be doing, which makes it difficult. Looking at today's abnormal religious life, the words of whether you will truly see faith when the Son of Man comes comes to life.
Even if you emphasize your love a hundred times or a thousand times, it is not wrong, and it will not be difficult or difficult to do. But this must be done. If you don't you shouldn't.
I ask you. Do you truly love Jesus?
Do you love me above all else? You could say, 'I love Jesus.' Don't you want to impress Jesus? How would you like it if you were so moved that you would say, 'I have done the best thing I have done so that you can be moved by such a faith that I have never met?'
I propose to you all. It's going to be meaningful this Holy Week Is there anyone you hate? Even if it is not someone you hate, if there is someone who is not gentle, please try to be reconciled and restore it to a relationship of love.
Ephesians 2:10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.
Beloved, I hope that our love will be embodied in the church. Let's start with the easy. Thank you. I'm sorry. Thank you. Thank you. Let's start by praising others. Let's start small. Let's swallow things that are not very virtuous as if we were taking medicine. And let's do one good deed a day. If you have nothing to decide, please go to the street and pick up a tissue. Let's share the gospel with those who encounter it at least once a day. Otherwise, open your wallet, buy something delicious, and visit your neighbors to make friends.
In any case, I hope that you will practice love diligently and qualify as a citizen of the country of love. Amen