Title: Love on the Cross (John 13:1~8)
① You will see true love.
Verse 1 shows the love for the disciple until the moment of his death. It is a harrowing time when death is imminent. In a quiet and serious time, he said, “He loved his disciples, but he loved them to the end.” That love will be unadorned and pure.(…) The Lord's last night. You can see the image of the Lord who loves you to the end.(…)
② He shows true service.
(…) Today's text shows the Lord's service. You show this because you want someone to believe and follow you. The Lord got up from the disciples arguing over who was born and who was more powerful, put a towel around their waist and washed their feet. Washing your feet is a slave's job. This is what the lowest of all slaves does. But the Lord who washes his feet is the Teacher and the Son of God. You must have courage. There must be love. The Lord says in verse 14. “You also ought to wash one another's feet.” (…) This is our Savior, Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
③This is where we truly realize.
(…) “The Lord must wash you to be clean.” Do you understand the meaning of these words? It is the Creator God who made us who washes away our filth. He can declare that he is ‘clean.’ (…) If Jesus is not washed, we cannot be cleansed anywhere, and our relationship with the Lord is lost. Jesus died on the cross. Before that, everyone, ask the Lord. “Lord, how much do you love me?” The cross is a symbol of suffering. It has the meaning of salvation. It is the appearance of dividing the body of the Lord into flesh and blood. He is obedient to the point of death. But all of this... He loves us to the end, even to the point of death. This is the essence of love. It is a love that showed everything without regret. (…) “It is right for you also to wash one another's feet.” We are Christians who try to imitate that love. Amen