Title: Love to the End!
< News of Missionary Kim Il-lo of the Philippines >
Colleagues! Have you been strong in the Lord all this time? As we praised the Sunday worship service last week, once again, we were thankful for the hope we had. You do not know how great the blessing of this eternal life given to us was felt. I confess that I am always grateful when I think of the blessings God has given me and that I have no choice but to be thankful for everything.
This week we had a sad event at our church. More than 50 children entered the school by changing the Baundong Palai Church Children's Missionary Center for free, and a considerable number of parents came to the church through this work. One of them, Razel, accepted Jesus and led the whole family to the church, but then he suddenly died. He died without even having time to pray, so my heart was very heavy. He had a congenital brain tumor, and after delaying going to the hospital, his condition deteriorated rapidly and he died. Please pray for God's comfort and strength for the four children and their families left behind.
I kept praying to move the church to the village because the current location could not accommodate the growing number of members, but I found a land in a good location near the entrance to the village and started praying. It is about 280 pyeong and it seems to be able to accommodate 6-700 people when built. The land is owned by a bank, and he asks for about 35 million won in Korean money. Please pray that all expenses necessary for the purchase of the land will be provided in a good manner.
Now, our academy students go out to evangelism every week to Santa Barbara Tu, and during the three evangelism visits, about 50 people accepted Jesus. We will go out 4 more times and have an evangelism meeting on December 11th (Sat) by renting a basketball court in the village. We invite the souls and villagers who have accepted Jesus to have a praise and worship drama, testimony, and a feast of the Word. Please pray that souls will be built up and new souls will receive new life.
Soon we will have intercessory prayer school and cell leader training every Tuesday and Thursday for 6 weeks in a row. Please pray that my husband and I will continue to lead the gathering with strength and fullness, and pray that the saints will be prepared for a greater harvest. I pray that you will always be strong in the Lord.
Kim Il-ro and Yun Un-ro (Yejin, entertainment) dream in the Philippines
Text: John 13:1-7
(1) Before the Passover, Jesus knew that the hour had come for him to leave the world and return to his Father, and he loved his own who were in the world, and he loved them to the end (verse 2). (Verse 3) During supper, Jesus, knowing that the Father had put all things into his hands, and that he had come from God and would return to God/ (v. 4) got up from the supper He took off his robe and took a towel and put it around his waist (verse 5). Then he filled a basin with water and washed the disciples' feet, and began to wash with the towel that was wrapped around him (verse 6) and said to Simon Peter, "Lord, Lord. Do you wash my feet? (Verse 7) Jesus answered and said to them, “You do not know what I am doing now, but you will know after this.
John (77) Love to the end (John 13:1-11)
<Love to the end>
The day before his crucifixion, Jesus performed a foot washing ceremony, washing the feet of his disciples. Verse 1 of the text refers to this scene as follows: “Before the Passover, Jesus knew that the hour had come for him to leave the world and return to the Father, and he loved his own who were in the world, but he loved them to the end.”
How touching are the words, “He loved you to the end”? Love is true love when you love it to the end. The first definition of love is ‘to be patient’. Life passes, but art remains. But the art is gone, but the love remains. Influence is as great as unchanging love. There is a saying that beginning is half. Just like that, the beginning is important, but so is the end. If the beginning is wrong, a good work cannot come out, and even if the beginning and process are good, if the end is bad, it is useless.
Jewish fable. One day, God gathered angels and told them the will of human creation. Then the ‘Angel of Righteousness’ spoke. "God! Don't create humans. They will do all kinds of injustice.” The ‘angel of holiness’ answered those words. "That's right. If you create humans, they will pollute the world.” Then the ‘angel of light’ said the same thing. “I think so too. They will darken the world.”
When such criticism and negative words abounded, the angel of mercy spoke. "God! It would be nice if you could create a human being. Even if the world becomes unjust, dirty, and dark because of humans, if you tell them God’s love that does not give up on humans, they will be more led into God’s arms.” In the end, it is said that God created man after hearing the words of the angel of mercy. There are many things to disappoint when dealing with people, but God does not disappoint or give up on that person. Learn and put into practice that love that never gives up.
<Have humble faith>
Jesus Himself washed the feet of His disciples with His love to the end (verse 5). The scene where the Most High God washes the feet of the Most Low challenges the importance of humility. God was great in the most great things, and he was great in the smallest things. Washing one's feet is shameful from a human point of view, but where unbelief finds shame, faith finds glory; where pride finds shame, humility is glorified.
One day, the disciples of St. Francis saw the humility of their master and asked: “Sir, how can I be humble like you?” Francis answered. “Look at God with the truth just once. Then you will never be proud.” Just look at the Lord with sincerity, just once, and examine yourself. What could possibly make you proud? If you look at and follow Jesus sincerely, you will become more humble.
Do not doubt God's love even if you have difficulties. How can you doubt God's love if you understand even a little bit of your own shortcomings? Even the saints, when they get out a little bit, are still very shy, arrogant, sneaky, deceitful, capricious, selfish, arrogant, and unforgiving. After all, strictly speaking, almost all of the saints are Nairong believers. Then, no matter what kind of difficulties you face, you should say, “You deserve it.”
Real saints thought of themselves as 'naylon believers'. Not a single saint in Christian history thought of himself as “saint-like!” They all thought of themselves as believers, so they knew that they could not live without God's grace. With such humble faith, they did not doubt God's love in any difficulties, and believed that God's good plan was always present in those difficulties. could go to Will this time not follow in the footsteps of the saint's path ahead of us by looking at the Lord and looking at ourselves?